Burning Simon's Victory/Ending

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Keizer Ghidorah slithered towards Simon, ready to finish him off, meanwhile back with the team

Morty: Osprey coming in 2 minutes!

Tyler: We need to work fast!

Ellie: To do what?

They begun to work on the smashed ORCA and repair the pieces begun to work on the smashed ORCA and repair the pieces.

Ellie: Sure about this?

Tyler: Yes! we fix it, get on the Osprey and lure him away from Simon, buy him time to get back on his feet

Meanwhile, Keizer Ghidorah begun to wrap himself around Simon and bites into him harshly, draining his energy.

Simon: *roars in pain* AAARGHHHH!!!!!

Ellie and Tyler dashed to fix the ORCA and successfully reconnected the circuits to a functioning state.

Kira: On three, one two three! *presses the button and the ORCA was reactivated*

Tyler: That's it! We did it!

The Osprey landed on the ground and out stepped Laura and some of the crew, Keizer Ghidorah still continued to drain Simon's energy while Toxin watched helplessly.

Toxin: Stop it!! You're killing him!!

Shen: that's the point! *bites into him*

Back with the crew

Ellie: I still have to activate it! go! *begins to select Keizer Ghidorah's bioacoustics* hang on, Simon... *activates*

as Keizer Ghidorah begun to get distracted, the team begun to get into the Osprey with John and Morty helping carry the wounded Rico in.

Marvin: You got any pain besides your leg..?

Kira: Mom! C'mon!

Laura: C'mon, Kira! *helps Tyler get her to the Osprey*

Victor: We gotta lift off, NOW!!!

Tyler: Wait!

As Ellie with the ORCA begun to get to the Osprey as well she looked at the Emperor who was staring at her and then back at her crew

Tyler: Ellie, let's go! C'MON!!

Kira: Mom....

Ellie: I love you...*runs to the Hummer instead*

Kira: No..NO!!! *held back*

Tyler: EMMA!!!!!

Ellie dashed into the Hummer with the ORCA and drove away, leading Keizer Ghidorah away from both Simon, Toxin and the team as they flew away in the Argo.

Kai: Worthless insect!! We're invincible! Get back here and DIE!!

Toxin meanwhile saw Ghidorah leaving chasing the Hummer.

Toxin: Where's he going..? I've...got to try and stop him...

With one single gravity beam, Emperor Ghidorah shot the Hummer, completely blowing it up killing Emma and destroying the ORCA!

Kira: MOOOM!!!!! *crying*

Keizer Ghidorah approached the wreckage of the Hummer and then realised Ellie fooled them to buy Simon and the others time.

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