Gift for unknown

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Armies getting ready to kill that woman,
That woman's friend comes to the Queen Jeon and begs "Please don't kill them, they are soulmates", the queen cries "My husband doesn't listen to me, he doesn't understand what his son likes"
"He is sending a big army to kill the woman, this war will sure be in history where the kingdom of the Father and the kingdom of the Son are fighting"

-Present Time- (1946)

Un said "Yn, that scarf looks as if Lord has himself make it from beautiful saffrons"
Yn nodded and asked the price, she bought the scarf and placed it around her neck,
Un asked "Yn are you scared after what happened this morning"

Yn said "Disgusted" while holding her scarf,

Un sighed and said "I will become a great politician and give these men punishment"

Yn said "I'll wait for that time"

Un said "Yn, look, maybe there is a festival here!"
Yn and Un they both walk to there and see how without any tension, kids are dancing, while some men are playing instruments.

Yn and Un both giggle while watching this, then some ladies also join in the dance,
"This proves if we do something not caring about what others think, this is how happy we become" said Yn to Un,

Un said "Right, let's dance too, after all we are the prettiest girl in this town"
Yn said "I certainly do not know about being the prettiest but sure!"

The crowd became big and everyone started dancing in joy, in one corner it was funny beats and in another slow romantic music,

While dancing Yn saw him, Yn stopped and looked again to see, he wasn't there, she stopped dancing and looked here and there.

Un asked her "Yn? What is wrong with you? What are you searching for?"

Yn said "I saw the man who fought for us today"
Un said "I do certainly know he is handsome but you should not day dream like this"

Yn disappointed and again started dancing that's when she saw him playing an instrument, 

Yn ran towards him and said "Mister"

He looked at her "Mi lady"
Yn giggled, she said "Thank you so much for"

He said "It's my pleasure, you do not have to thank me again and again"

She said "I do know that but I and mh friend thought of gifting you something"

He asked "Gift?" "I'm in"

Yn laughed, "What's your name?"

He said "Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook"

Yn looked at him confusedly and asked "Have we met before?"

He said "Yes, this morning"

She said "No no, not today but before"

He said "I don't think we have"

She said "But this name, I have heard this name before"

He said "Maybe of someone else's"

She said "Yes, maybe"
She started thinking "Who can it be? Why I felt like I have met him before after he shared his name with me? Ugh leave it"
She turned around and said "Mr. Jungkook, so how-"

No one was there, Yn angrily said "Again? He is again gone?"

Then she saw in far, he is waving at her, Yn smiled and waved back.

Yn said to herself "I am thankful to him, but I think I should not think about a stranger this much"
"Now it's time to find Un in this crowd"

She saw Un dancing with a man, Yn called "Un?"

Yn greeted him, Un said "I believe I have to go now"
The man aid "Looks like we are getting apart now but not forever"

Un giggled,

He kissed her hands and greeted her goodbye.


-Have we met before?-
-Yes, this morning-
-No not today-

-Love should be like fairytale not casual-

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