Hold on i still need you

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Johnny!" Ghost screamed as he watched soaps body hit the floor. For one terrible, awful moment ghost heard the sadistic joy of the man in front of him.

You see.

"Ghost i found a penny!" Soap called happily through the radio connection and ghost beeped back in confusion. "It's something my nana said before she passed. That if she ever passed and i found a penny it meant she was still watching over me, this was her sign. I'd like to think id do something like this when i die." he said warmly and pocketed the penny.

Ghost nodded and checked the place they were scoping through his gun before responding. "Ill make sure your livin to a very old age before that happens johnny." He chuckled and let everything settle back into a silence.

"Yea... ill be fine with you watching my back LT" soap said out of nowhere in particular and everything settled once again for a very long few minutes

"hey Johnny?" Ghost asked through their comms. The pair were put on a stakeout mission on two separate roofs. It gave ghost the chance to annoy soap to no end with horrid jokes.

Soap sighed and pressed the all button on his radio. "Yes LT?" He said, trying to conceal a smile. It was no secret that the pair adored each other any, stupid banter and whatnot, so that's why they were put as duos on a mission, because soap is one of the very few people ghost could stand in general, much less on a rainy stakeout mission.

"Do you know why life is like tofu?" Ghost asked, chuckling as he spoke. He heard a very exasperated groan and just laughed. "Oh cmon johnny! You haven't even heard me out yet!" He said with a certain warmth to his voice.

Soap couldn't help but smile and flashed his laser dot onto ghosts arm to signal he heard, they were on separate roofs but coul still reach each other over radio, with scopes etc.

Ghost flashed back and looked through his scope at soap. "Life is like tofu, without you? It's just tof." He said, barely containing his smile. He heard the deranged giggling and muffled cackling from over the radio connection.

"fuuuuucking hell LT" soap laughed and suddenly his radio went dark. Ghost shut up and dropped down so only the scope of his gun poked over the ledge of the roof. He watched carefully through his scope but the ledge of soaps roof was preey high, he could easily sit behind it whereas ghosts was barely high enough to hide him if he was laying

the radio crackled and ghosts eyes flashed with joy for a moment before the words. "Behind you~" a sadistic, almost joyful male voice came over the radio, like a taunt. Ghost shivered and slowly his hands came off his rifle and shakily placed behind his head.

He sighed heavily and slowly started getting onto his knees, keeping his hands behind his head. "Let him go... he's harmless, take me, sure. But let him go." Ghost said firmly and the men behind him just chuckled.

Russian. He could hear it in their accent. "No... I don't think we will." They smirked and forced ghosts hands into cuffs behind his back before dragging him to a helicopter just landing on that very roof. This was bad.

He hated himself, no two ways about it, every day he was forced to listen to soaps screams as they tortured him, his pleas to just let ghost go, he didn't deserve this. But it never happened.

It was almost rare for a physical beating to go to ghost rather than soap. But every lucky time that the attention was shifted over ghost didn't complain. Rather, he would try to annoy the hell out of whoever was scheduled to deal with him that day, the more he could annoy them and spark their temper the more they would go for him, keeping the attention off of soap for at least a day or two at a time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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