Chapter 1: The Academy Students on A ''Normal'' Camp

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Chapter 1: The Academy Students on A "Normal" Camp


S3xual abus3 and Bl00d/G0re


Once upon a dark starry night, a few people from BFA (Battle For Academy) and IIA (Inanimate Insanity Academy) stayed in the middle of the woods, known as Woodsville Forest because there used to be a small village in that forest their homes were only made of wooden logs.

Why were they camping in this abandoned village in the woods? Because their schools told them to. It's not like they had a choice to stay at their home anyway... 

~[At the campsite]~

They were talking about their classmates, friends, teachers, and family. It wasn't like they had anything to do. It was around midnight, way past when they were supposed to sleep. They should've gone to sleep in their corresponding colorful tents a few hours ago. The colors are there to lessen the chances of mixing up their tents with others' tents.

But here they are, talking near the campfire they set up. To them, it's like the funniest thing they've ever done in their lives. Out of nowhere, lightning suddenly struck from the pitch-black sky hitting a dark oak wood tree. They were the natural trees growing in the campsite. 

It almost landed on one of the students' legs. Her name was Tess, and she shrieked in fear. It luckily didn't hit her, but it did leave a large scratch mark. Dark-ish red blood was flowing down her arm quickly. Fortunately, Cabbie had a med kit with a few bandages and a cast that fitted perfectly on Tess' arm. 

After Casey helped put the cast on Tess, Tess' legs were currently curled up on the wooden log that she was sitting on, she was scared of another tree hitting her. Flynn walked up from his log and approached Tess, who was crying from what just happened. 

The boy with red hair and yellow bangs tightly hugged the girl with long green hair with white highlights. He rubbed her back to comfort her, as well.

Tess wasn't crying as much now. She slowly walked back to her neon green tent with her teary eyes, though.

...She just needed a moment to process what just happened to her...

Flynn suddenly jumped over Tess' log and started sprinting to another group, Iance. He was careful not to awaken any of the other campers or teachers. 

Why Iance? Well, he knew one of their members had the power to create electricity, especially in lightning bolts.


"Lori, please just get some sleep. We know you're despondent about this camp; none of us are." Shaw said.

"B-but you k-know I was almost "k-killed" in here, Shaw!" Lori screamed, using air quotes around the word "killed".

"You're also making the rain storms and thunderstorms worse by having an emotional breakdown," Pearl said in an annoyed tone.

~[Flynn's POV]~

I was watching all of them argue over Lori. I think that was what she was called right? She didn't deserve that. She was just...traumatized. 

(A/N: Before you reply with "Lori/Lightning's a male!" Flynn/Fan didn't know.)

She was almost "killed" in the woods! Of course, she would be scared! I wish I dared to walk over there and talk to them.

Just take deep breaths, Flynn. You can do it.

~[Third person POV]~

"Hey, uh... A lightning strike hit a tree next to one of my classmates earlier. I wanted to—" Flynn was cut off.

"I get it, okay! If you're only here to scream at me, I get it! I'll...I'll leave..." Lori said cutting Flynn off.

The bright yellow-haired boy then floated away back into his neon yellow tent. His eyes were watery when he left, too.

Flynn tried to make something up, but nothing budged. He just stood there in silence.

~[Five minutes later]~

"Are you seriously mentally and physically hurting him even more? You know he was sexually abused in this forest! I hate when people joke in a serious moment!" Fani (Francesca) screamed.

Flynn finally left Iance's camping area after five minutes of awkward silence, sprinting back to his class. He was going to look for Tess, but she wasn't in her tent.

He was freaking out. He needed to find out where Tess was. His breathing heavied, and his eyes went wide as well. Flynn had on a nervous and panicked face. He was about to scream out loud. Until he realized that it was already one in the morning, Flynn really should get some sleep.

When Flynn walked back to his tent, he was still thinking about where Tess had gone. He looked into his tent and saw something strange.

His blanket seemed to have had something under it. He opened his sheets and saw...


~[Lori's POV]~

Could this day get any worse? It's still raining a bit outside. I wish I could calm myself down and control my emotions easier. It would make the others' lives so much better...

It's two in the morning now. I can't sleep with the fear that I'll be "killed" again. I guess I'm going to pull an all-nighter again.

Hey, the rain is pretty relaxing. I could get used to this. 

Just— wait, how long are we staying here for? I guess I'll check our class affairs group.

"Dear students, we are here to inform you that we will have a camping trip from June 10th to September 10th. You will be grouped with your classmates. For more information please keep reading.
You will need to bring these items:
• water
• sleeping bags
[click to read more]"

 June 10th to September 10th... That's three months. No... NO! There's no way I'm staying here for three months straight! There has to be a way to escape this horrible place!

But what if he's outside? What if instead of me, my friends get abused? 

I still don't feel safe here... I'll leave before camp officially ends, that's for sure. But when?

July 17th.


A/N: New book! Oh, and it's about BFDI and II! I hope this doesn't flop!

Also, I'll let you guys guess the character based on their names! (Some are very obvious, for example, "Fani" or "Tess" while others might be a bit harder to guess! Like "Flynn" or "Casey")


Word count: 1002

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