Chapter 2: That isn't going to heal that fast.

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Thanks to totallynotnova24 for the votes and comments!


There are mentions of bl00d, sc4r$, and s3lf-h4rm. It's okay if you're sensitive to these!


Chapter 2: That arm isn't going to heal that fast.


~[Meanwhile with Tess and Flynn]~

"T-Tess? Why are you here?" Flynn questioned.

"I'm sorry! I'll leave no—," Tess answered. She was about to walk out of the bright red tent. Tess was dragged by her non-hurt arm, stopping her from leaving, though.

"It's fine... Can you stay here for a second, okay?" Flynn said in a reassuring tone.

Tess nodded. She trusted Flynn with her whole heart. She only entered Flynn's tent because she liked his warmth and scent. 

Tess sat on Flynn's red sleeping bag. She was extremely sleepy. She could've fallen asleep hours ago. But Tess was waiting for her (in her dreams) new-found boyfriend.

The girl with green hair and white highlights was eager to see what the boy with bright red hair and yellow bangs told her to wait for. Tess talked about what Flynn told her to wait for to herself, speaking her thoughts out loud, "Huh, I wonder if my b-b FRIEND. We're just close friends, F-R-I-E-N-D-S." Tess took a deep breath, then continued, "Like I was saying, what's Flynn telling me to wait for? Could it be a present? Or a way to leave..." Tess said those few words in an uneasy tone.

~[Tess's POV]~

I was still pondering possible explanations of what Flynn could've prepared for me. That's what I'm known for! Before I knew it, Flynn walked back into his bright red tent. He had a med kit in his right hand and a roll of bandages in his left.

"Ah! Oh, it's just you..." I said.

I saw Flynn kneeling on his sleeping bag, the same one I was using as a blanket. He looks so hot in this position—TESS. Focus! 

"When did I become a "just you"? Never mind that," he said while putting down the med kit and roll of bandages he had. 

Flynn was distracted by finding ways to help my scratched arm heal. One of the ways he thought he could help me was by changing the cast on my arm. As he asked for my permission to do so, he unintentionally put his hands on my hips. Well, with the sleeping bag covering me. He wouldn't go that far yet. He doesn't even know I like him!

~[Flynn's  POV]~

I noticed that Tess was a very flustered mess. She isn't the kind of person to get flustered easily. Someone or something here must be making her blush—heavily. I'll ask what's making her blush.

I tried to say something but was cut off halfway through, "Hey, I uh noticed you were blush—" 

Tess had taken her arms from under my sleeping bag and used one of her hands to block me from finishing my sentence. More specifically, her non-hurt hand. As a result, I also kissed the palm of her hand.

"Can I change the cast on your arm? If you're comfortable!" I said, rushing the last part out nervously.

~[Third Person POV]~

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