Chapter 3: Questioning my sexuality

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Thanks to totallynotnova24 for the comments and votes!


Chapter 3: Questioning My Sexuality
(Disclaimer: This is a chapter name, not a fact about me!) 


Warnings: mentions of Kniv3s, s3xual abus3, bl0od and childhood tr4uma (rap3ing)

~[Willow's POV]~

It was late at night, and most BFA and IIA students had slept by now.

Except for me, I was casually walking around the deep forest, as always. I walked into other teams' areas.

I felt this emotion. I was desperate! I needed to know what emotion I felt was named. Or its symptoms! I was looking for something. 

Or someone, specifically.

I had a lingering feeling of something I'd never felt before, not even once. It felt nice to feel it, but simultaneously, it was horrifying. 

 Multiple random thoughts were flowing through my mind. I don't even know what half of them mean! 

Maybe I should find Brook! After all, she knows everything! (Without bragging about it to my face.)

It's almost three in the morning now. It's late, I should go to bed now. 

 But if I don't, 

I can have her all to myself.


~[Brook's POV]~

"When am I going to fall asleep? It's three in the morning now." I said to myself.

I heard something from outside. It didn't sound like the leaves rustling or the fast winds blowing. It sounded like somebody walking around Woodsville forest, where the rest of the BFA and IIA were camping together.

"Willow? What are you doing up so late?" I ask her.

The girl with long, fluffy pearl hair walked closer to my tent. I unzipped the zipper to let her inside my blue and green tent. She looked tired herself. Willow had eye bags under her eyes.

I took a closer look at her and myself. It seemed normal at first until. I felt something poking at my neck. I took a closer glance and saw that,

She was holding a knife at my neck!


~[Meanwhile with Iance]~

Lori was currently sitting on his yellow sleeping bag. He knew he had to sleep soon. Or else. The boy wouldn't have enough energy for tomorrow's activities. He couldn't sleep with the fear of being sexually abused in the forest again. Lori didn't want to pull an all-nighter. His current spikes of anxiety caused him to be unable to sleep peacefully at night without waking up a few minutes later. The short-haired boy didn't have a choice but to sleep himself.

Lori planned on staying still until he got tired enough to pass out in his neon yellow-green tent. On the other hand, he didn't want to be in Woodsville Forest with the rest of the BFA and IIA students.

The boy with short lime-yellow hair thought that no one understood him. 

Yes, most of them didn't understand any of the horrible things his quote-on-quote parents did to him when he was young. It was the main reason he changed his gender and left Woodsville in the first place. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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