08 - Identity

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"Something must've happened to Robin," the girl said with wide eyes. She looked so disturbing with her face curved in that horrified expression. The things she saw were almost carved in her mind, it haunted her. Robin's dead body lying in the sewer, blood mixing with the dirty water.

Sunday, unsure of whether she was trying to scare him because the procedure was too painful or if she saw something, asked: "Why would you say that? Is this some kind of a sick joke?" Clutching his hand under the table, he focused on not looking nervous. With mixed emotions he waited for her answer patiently, as she was looking down with wide eyes.

"I had a...vision," she responded, heavily breathing. Closing her eyes, she was willing to stay calm. "Of Robin lying in some kind of...sewers," she said, swallowing hard against the lump in her throat. Robin was a person she was emotionally attached to - she couldn't lose her.

Sunday, very worried, but his mind clear because he trusted his sister's security guards, didn't know if he should believe the girl's words or not. "Do you think it was real?"

"I don't know," Y/N admitted, "I'm praying it's just my imagination, but on the other hand, it felt so real, so vivid. Almost as if I had been there." The books on Sunday's desk were looking just as inanimate as Robin's body from Y/N's "hallucination".

The halovian man wanted to reach out his hand to her shoulder, however he didn't want to break his boundaries - to stay professional with her. Honestly, he didn't expect Y/N to calm down so fast, her breath now being steady. Sunday was confused about her vision being about someone else than her, therefore he already knew about them. Robin told him about how she and Y/N sat on the floor and how panicked his sister was. The man had also noticed that Y/N was acting weird that one time in his office.

But maybe a little comforting pat on her shoulder wouldn't hurt, he thought. Just to make her a little more relaxed with him. He leaned closer to her, shrinking the space between them. His hand was on her shoulder, but his eyes rested on the book beside him. Sunday remembered a page from that exact book. It was about sky children having unexplainable abilities. They were usually related to ones past. But what was her past? Was she perhaps a human before she was a star? Did that even make sense? No it didn't and Robin being close to death also didn't make any sense. Just a few hours ago he had received a message from her, telling him that she's safe and sound at Kasbelina VIII. Nevertheless, he couldn't shake the uneasiness off. Seeing Y/N's scared face, he knew she wasn't lying.

The girl seemed to calm by his touch. Letting out a sigh, she just said: "Maybe it was just a nightmare connected to the pain I felt because of the device."
Sunday retreated his hand from her shoulder, her sentence made him think. Maybe she was right after all and it was just a hallucination.

What he didn't know was the fact that Y/N wasn't exactly saying what she truly thought. She knew that there was something wrong with the device and Robin. Her intuition was telling her that it's something that will happen in the future. The reason why she hadn't told Sunday, was because she didn't want to scare him and also, she didn't want him to make an experiment on her. She had a hunch that it would happen if she told him the truth. What if he wanted to know more? But in the end, she still had no proof that the visions would actually happen. However, she decided to keep that to herself.

Standing up from the chair, dress still unbuttoned, loose tarps at the back, she was ready to go back to her room. The star shape on her back was still pulsing with ache as if something important was taken away from her.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 [Sunday x FEM!reader]Where stories live. Discover now