the livings no better than the dead

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Character description

I was mexican, and so I had darker skin, curly hair, thick lips, and the mexican figure. My eyes had Heterochromia, one being blue and the other brown. I was a 5,2ft, and 15 years old. All alone and surviving day by day.

It was a cloudy morning, the air thick with fog. I had just woken up in another old, damp, mouldy, broken, empty home that had once belonged to a family, now owned by the monsters that roam the planet. I rubbed my eyes, sitting against the wall. Grabbing my bag, I looked for any scraps of food I had left. Of course. I had none left.

I closed my bag, I got into the clothes I managed to clean in a river not far away. I got into forest green cargo pants, my boots, belt and holster, a tight black long sleeve shirt, along with an old thick jacket as a coat, my backpack, and my knifes, One in my boot, the other in my holster, i grabbed my bow and arrow, i tied my curly hair into a messy bun. I was ready for another day.

With a deep breath, I walked out of the house, just another four walls and a roof that managed to hold up just one last time. I could never stay in one place more than a night. No matter what. I walk into the woods, staying quiet and keeping light on my feet.

I was searching for any animals, squirrels, or rabbits, or the jackpot, a deer. But I knew better than to hope for something that would never happen. I hear rustling in the bushes, my attention instantly falling onto the crunching of leaves. I got my bow and arrow out, aiming towards the bushes. Hoping for any sort of animal. I watch as the source of the noise reveals itself. A walker.

"You've got to be kidding me." I huff, putting my bow and arrow back on my back. I grabbed one of my knives and walked towards it, stabbing it in the head and watching as it fell to the floor. I put the knife back and continued to walk through the forest.

The rain started to pour, I looked to the sky, and it was clear to me that it was only going to get worse as the day went by.

"Great." Today, just like every other day was not my day. I continued walking, getting drenched by the downfall, just as I thought. The rain is only getting worse, the thunder and lightning rolling in and the clouds making it seem late in the evening, maybe it was, or maybe it wasn't. It's been a while since I knew.

After a while, I finally found a spot where there was evidence that led to me believing at least rabbits were around. I set a trap, hoping that at least one rabbit would run into it. I sat down for a while, starting a small fire as the night rolled in. After about 2 hours, I checked the rabbit trap, one singular small rabbit. I mean, it was better than nothing.

"Mm, good enough." I grabbed the rabbit and went back to my small fire. Preparing the rabbit for me to eat. After preparing it, I cooked it over the fire, my rumbling stomach getting louder every second. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if it drew walkers towards me.

I ate the rabbit like there was no tomorrow. Who knows, maybe there isn't. Oh well. I found a small cabin that should hold up for tonight. I checked it out and created a trap for if someone opened the door. I rested on the floor and drifted to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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