The start continues(chp. 2)

4 1 2

(Where was i last... Right..YOU SIR/MA'AM! YES YOU! VOTE! LIKE! FOLLOW! GIVE ME A COMMENT! Yes indeed, you have to. If you don't, it'll impact your brain making it feel guilty that you didn't do something you were supposed to, and it'll always stay with you. IT'LL MAKE YOU DEPRESSED! oh you already are? Ummm... Sorry. I kinda am too.)

SOOOO.... Let's step away from the Hannah, Gerlad, afffair situation and find a new one! YES A NEW ONE!

Lucas an emo boy with purple hair at the top loves this girl named Jordyn. Jordyn has orange hair and is always happy! 

They were engaged and it was awesome!

Until Lucas saw this Gay Dude name JAY! Jay and Lucas fell in love, leaving Jordyn single pringle. 

(Sorry? Whatcha say? NO! She doesn't have a single pringle! She is a....Oh she totally does! Well not anymore... Poor her... a bird took it...Oh well)

After a month Jay broke up Lucas. Jay was Gay, but Gay wasn't Jay. Jay was playing a GAY CHICKEN! And was in love with this girl named Samantha. But Samantha was a taken bacon, by this other girl named Brooklyn. They were married! So cute! 

Finally Jordyn found her true love, named Draco. He was quite ugly, ngl. 

(No, not Draco from HARRY POTTAH! He's far from that. This Draco broke the ugly scale.)

They were a happy couple.

Back to Samantha and Brooklyn. Turns out Samantha was playing Gay chicken to so She broke up with Brooklyn and fell in love with Jay. 

Brooklyn found out Sadie and Gerald were having an affair, and instead of telling she joined in. THHHHHHHRRRREEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Teehee.)                                                                                                                                                                                     (What? NO! I'm not laughing at Brooklyn for joining in and making a threesome, instead of telling!)


Sooo.... don't have much to say. Any improvements needed? I say i'm getting my goal. Kinda what i was hoping for. It's coming to be Gay.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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The affairs: THE GAY ONE book 1 of affairsWhere stories live. Discover now