𝟓 - 𝐜𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬

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"[name], honey! can you go do some shopping?" her mother shouted from her bedroom

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"[name], honey! can you go do some shopping?" her mother shouted from her bedroom.

[name] walked over to the bedroom, opened into the door. "but i cant leave the house, i'm still suspended." she explained, she didn't want to get in even more in trouble.

"it'll be fine, umi's on vacation so you have a good reason." her mother reasoned.


here [name] was, in a grocery store. along with her six year old brother, shu. who had to come along anyway.

earlier, when her mother was still talking to her. she realized that shu was still in the house, and needed some very well needed exercise.

"take shu too, he needs to get out of the house." she asked her daughter.

"what do you need for the next few weeks?" [name] asked her younger brother, while she strolled him around in a grocery cart.

the boy took a second, he looked around, but also trying to remember what snacks or food he wanted for the next few weeks. "oh! i want american food!"


"yeah! all the other kids at school have american food, i wanna be cool like then too!"

"your in 2nd grade, you'll have plenty of years to fit in." [name] sighed, she began to walk over to the section of where the food was. while walking over there, she saw someone who she hated with every fiber in her body. her jaw dropped, as her eyes laid upon, satoru gojo.

"[name], are you okay?" shu asked her, seeing her mouth agape. he turned to see what she was looking at, and he didn't understand.

she eyed him, and not the way that anyone would think. all that was in her gaze, was hate. it was his fault for getting her suspended. "what is that stupid, no good, idiot doing? he's suspended like me.. so why is he-"

"what the hell are you doing here?" a sudden voice interrupted her thoughts.

[name] snapper out of her muttering, seeing satoru gojo looking her way. she cleared her throat, while she laid her forearms on the shopping cart. "i was about to ask that."

satoru rolled her eyes, he stuffed his french fries into his basket. before he put a hand on his hip. "well for your information, i'm out here buying food for myself. i'm surprised your stuck up bratty self is." he scoffed.

"i thought one of your servants would be out here buying them for you."

satoru's brows furrowed together, he was getting more annoyed now than he was before. "shut your bitchy mouth."

[name] immediately covered shu's ears, she really hope he didn't hear much of that. she gritted her teeth together, while she glared at him. "there's a kid here, you seriously cannot cuss?"

"oh. my bad." he said, very bluntly. like he was even sorry.

she uncovered shu's ears, continuing to glare at him. "so, why are you out and about?"

satoru sighed, he walked over. he looked down at her, clearly not really caring to tell her, but since she asked she will get an answer. "shopping? i don't know if you've heard of it."

"I KNOW WHAT SHOPPING IS." she snapped quietly. she sighed, before she waited for a real reason. "okay, but what are you really doing out?"

he rolled his eyes, but he couldn't really contain it anymore. "i got bored okay? being home is everything i could've imagined, but i'm so bored. i also need food." he explained, smiling cheekily as he held up his frozen fries and chicken nuggets.

"american food? what happened to 'supermodel gojo satoru'?" [name] laughed quietly.


"more like keeps you eating."

satoru scowled, clearly annoyed by her insult. "what are you doing here anyway?" he asked her, crossing his arms as he held onto his basket of food.

"shopping for my siblings lunches this week." she informed him, she looked over to grab some veggies for the lunches. she glanced back over at him, as she put the food in the cart.

"even though i might be being nice to you now, it doesn't change the fact that i hate your guts for getting me suspended for two months." [name] told him, before she started to bring the shopping cart in another direction.

satoru scoffed, he didn't really believe that she was being nice to him. "whatever you say, and same here! your not the only one who got suspended!"

"shu, stick your tongue out at him."

her little brother did just that, he stuck out his tongue as they strolled away. "who was that guy?" the boy asked.

"a fly."

"a fly." satoru mocked, before he walk in a different direction too. he didn't like seeing her, especially right after she got him suspended. he also didn't want to admit he was the cause of all of this.

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