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Saffiya's pov

"Safi please get the scotch for me", Dad said, finally ignoring the shit I'm doing and thinking of something that would cheer him up.

"No I'm busy", I snapped, clearly pissing him off more and more.

"Saffiya you're making things hard here, messing up my office ,causing stupid fights and ignoring my instructions",he said, trying so bad to not shout or scold me, which unfortunately didn't work.

"Look here Romano, you're making this - this father daughter time harder for the both of us here if you keep on scolding me every opportunity you get", I snapped back, smirking inwardly seeing rage gradually building up in his eyes, but after a few seconds he shakes his head perhaps trying to hide his rage.

"You should know I'm very good at reading expressions, in fact I think I should give you some classes, it seems like old age is making lose your touch", I winked.
He just smiled staring at my green eyes as I didn't back down. Then he went back to the file he was attending to.
After a while he told me he's done and we went over to my favourite warehouse.

"James remember she is not my daughter she is one of our my best assassins don't call her-"

"-Miss, he knows Romano, now can we get going, I cut in pushing the worried old man out of the car.


"-No! No dad, you tell him that every single day I step into any warehouse or basement or whatever, you don't even let me attend the top meetings anymore but you're always showing Ziora to everyone, displaying the queen you brought into this world. Look I don't give a fuck about what you're plans for me and Ziora are, all I know and care about right now is myself yes myself. I have a fucking name to make so you constantly bringing me down in the name of protection is gradually getting on my nerves. Protect Ziora all you want, not me", I said not hiding a bit of my feelings to him. I've kept this for a while now and it's biting me.

"Okay Safi, I understand where you're coming from and I'm sorry if I went too far, you're twenty already and you should be the best assassin that you already are, so we're good?" He asked lightening up the mood as usual.

"No, we were never good old man", I responded smiling at him as he shakes his head laughing a bit.

"Ahm Saffiya today the don will be here to see how far we're going in the interrogation of our prisoners, so it's your opportunity to impress him, Dante hasn't been able to impress him since they first met so you can try your luck", he explained.

"Do I need to impress some frustrated grumpy old man in order to make a name", I asked clearly not interested in the conversation anymore.

"Okay okay okay Saffiya, but don't pull any stunts there when you see him, understood?" He asked as we passed Zayn and John, some of our American boys who have been loyal since they joined us.

"Whatever, come to think of it why are you being so nice and polite to me, were supposed to be fighting or arguing, you know what i mean right," I asked him as i nodded at one of our boys whose name i havent gotten yet.

"I'm trying to avoid such situations because of Mr Vino's arrival so don't be a bitch there, we won't be needing bitches or sluts there", he said suddenly serious. But I know him better than anyone else it's just one of those jokes of his.

"As much as I'd like to kick your dick right now I just need to be patient because of this grumpy Vino man", I said as Dad raised a brow at me while I did same.

"Start from room 720", he said as we reached the particular room door.

"Really? I've not trained this much just to interrogate those pussies", I growled showing how angry the whole situation is getting me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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