### San Diego Shatterdome - Training Hall###

The training hall echoed with the sounds of exertion and impact. Rows of trainees paired off for sparring sessions, overseen by seasoned trainers. In the center of the mat stood Octavia Blake and Jade Aningmiuq, each gripping a staff, their eyes locked in a silent challenge.

Indra, the head trainer, stepped between them. A formidable presence with a no-nonsense attitude, she held their attention with a steely gaze. "Listen up," she barked. "I don't care about your pasts or your reputations. Here, you fight fair. No dirty tricks. Understood?"

Both women nodded, though the tension between them crackled like electricity.

"Good," Indra said, stepping back. "Begin!"

Octavia twirled her staff, a smirk playing on her lips. "Ready to get schooled, Aningmiuq?"

Jade's expression remained impassive, but her eyes gleamed with determination. "We'll see who does the schooling, Blake."

With that, they lunged at each other. The clash of their staffs reverberated through the hall, drawing the attention of other trainees. Octavia moved with a wild, untamed energy, her strikes powerful and unpredictable. Jade countered with precise, calculated movements, her form impeccable and controlled.

"Not bad," Octavia grunted as their staffs locked together, faces inches apart.

"You're not so bad yourself," Jade replied, her voice steady.

They broke apart, circling each other, each testing the other's defenses. Octavia feinted left and swung right, but Jade parried effortlessly, countering with a swift strike that Octavia barely deflected.

"You're not just a pretty face, are you?" Octavia taunted, breathless but exhilarated.

Jade's lips twitched in the faintest hint of a smile. "Neither are you."

As the match continued, their trash talk dwindled, replaced by a growing respect. They moved in a rhythm that was almost like a dance, each acknowledging the other's skill and strength. The initial hostility gave way to a grudging admiration, each pushing the other to their limits.

Finally, Indra called out, "Enough!"

Breathing heavily, both women stepped back, lowering their staffs. For a moment, they simply stared at each other, the silence between them now charged with a different kind of energy.

Octavia extended her hand. "Good fight."

Jade hesitated only a moment before grasping it. "Likewise."

Before they could say more, a voice interrupted. "Well, well, well. Look at you two."

They turned to see Raven Reyes approaching, her hands on her hips and a grin on her face. As the lead Jaeger mechanic, Raven was known for her sharp mind and sharper tongue.

"Raven," Octavia greeted, still catching her breath. "What's up?"

"I need both of you to come with me," Raven said, her tone brisk. "It's time to see if you two can Drift."

Octavia exchanged a glance with Jade, the intensity of their recent sparring still fresh. The Drift was a different kind of battle, one that required complete synchronization. It was a test of their compatibility, both mentally and emotionally.

"Let's do this," Octavia said, determination hardening her features.

Jade nodded, a similar resolve in her eyes. "Lead the way."

As they followed Raven out of the training hall, the air between them felt charged with a mix of anticipation and an unspoken challenge. The real test was just beginning.

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