#### San Diego Shatterdome - Mess Hall###

The mess hall was buzzing with the usual morning chatter and the clatter of utensils. Octavia and Jade navigated through the crowded room, trays in hand, until they found a table where the other pilots were already seated.

Clarke Griffin and Lexa Greene, the pilots of Striker Eureka, were engaged in a quiet conversation, their close bond evident in every shared glance and subtle touch. Across from them sat sisters Anya and Nylah Romanov, the pilots of Cherno Alpha, who were deep in discussion about their latest combat simulations. At the end of the table were newlyweds John and Emori Murphy, the lively duo who piloted Saber Athena, sharing a laugh over some inside joke. And finally, the three friends - Finn Collins, Monty Green, and Jasper Jordan - who piloted Crimson Typhoon were kicking a hacky sack around as hangar personnel and Shatterdome workers bustled by. 

"Hey, new blood!" Murphy called out as Octavia and Jade approached. "Come join us!"

Octavia slid into the seat next to Clarke, with Jade taking the spot beside her. The group exchanged greetings, and the conversation quickly turned to the topic of Clarke and Lexa's not-so-subtle relationship.

"Seriously, you two," Anya teased, a playful smirk on her face. "When are you going to make it official?"

Clarke blushed, but Lexa only smiled serenely. "When we're not saving the world, maybe."

The table erupted in laughter, and Octavia couldn't help but steal a glance at Jade. As the teasing continued, Octavia's mind wandered, imagining what it would be like to be in a relationship with Jade. She felt a strange, warm sensation in her chest, a mixture of curiosity and longing.

Before she could dwell on the thought, the room's atmosphere shifted abruptly. Sirens began to blare, and red warning lights spun ominously. The pilots tensed, instinctively ready for action.

Raven Reyes hurried into the mess hall, her expression grim. "Category 4 Kaiju just emerged and is heading for the Miracle Mile."

Jaha's voice came over the intercom, firm and authoritative. "All pilots, report to the Jaeger hangar immediately. You're going to Alaska."

The group sprang into action, trays forgotten. As they rushed toward the hangar, Jaha appeared, his presence commanding their attention.

"Sabre Athena and Guardian Bravo," he directed, "you'll defend the Miracle Mile. Bracer Phoenix and Crimson Typhoon, you're engaging the Kaiju directly. Gipsy Danger, you're staying put for now."

Octavia's heart raced. She glanced at Jade, frustrated at being sidelined. But Jade's expression was one of steely determination.

"We'll do whatever you need us to do." Jade said, her voice steady and reassuring. 

The other pilots took off towards the Jaeger Bay, the sound of giants coming to life to fight for the sake of humanity shaking the Shatterdome and rattling in Octavia's chest. 

"We should stay by the Jaeger Bay," Jade said suddenly. She looked at Octavia out of the corner of her eye. "Just in case."

Octavia nodded. "Just in case."

They made their way to the control room, where the Jaegers were reporting back to the Shatterdome as they searched for the threat. 

The Kaiju that had just emerged was being displayed on the holo, and Raven whistled lowly as she turned the image around. "Look at this thing. Biggest Kaiju yet in both size and weight. And is that a wing? Brutal," She shook her head. "Good thing we've got the best at this Shatterdome," She winked at Jade and Octavia. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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