Chapter Seventeen 1/2: All

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Never go back to the past. Wylie was determined to forget about all of this- leave it all behind as he and Tam fell into Eternalia. Wylie quickly put the bottled Candesia away. He had and Tam had to warn the others about Forkle and what Lesedi told them,

Gonna grow flowers if I live through all of this. Tam felt too uneasy. What if the "prophecy" did come true? What if Tam couldn't stop it- what if everything went as Forkle had planned? He wanted peace- the only peace that he could get when gardening with Linh.

Give and keep giving- and I don't receive anything back. Linh felt like it was over. She lay on the cot at the Healing Center, her hands covered in bandages. She was going home tomorrow. She wouldn't be allowed to take off the bandages. She would live as Talentless. It was selfish- but Linh felt so lost and wished for her powers back. She didn't know how much she needed them until they were gone.

You were the last person I could trust. Marella was running away from the Lost Cities. She wasn't going to sit through trial like a good girl- in their eyes, she was an outcast anyway. Now she was thought to have committed arson at Slurps and Burps. Marella had been mad that her friends thought she did it. But her mom? That was something else. Why would she say she saw Marella setting fires? Marella thought her mom loved her- even in her state of insanity. It wasn't fair.

Up is the only way we can go now. Stina didn't feel like herself anymore. All because of that son of a bad match Dizznee. So why did she suddenly get fluttery feelings around him? Why did she tell him that she liked him? She was being stupid. . . so stupid. So what did she feel? Stina didn't know. All she knew was that she was too far off the ground to go back down.

Never listen to your heart again. Dex had already opened his heart to one girl- Sophie, only to be rejected. And Stina was his enemy! She was snobbish and rude, and completely fake. What was he thinking by telling Stina they should try something out? Was it to be nice? Was it to make fun of her? Or was he telling the truth? Dex didn't know. . . Feelings were overrated and complicated anyway.

Gonna start free falling soon. Biana knew something was wrong. And she knew it was because of her. Had she really been dancing with Keefe and messed everything up? She didn't remember doing that. But she had been there on the dance floor- Biana just didn't know how she got there. Now, Keefe probably hated her for something she had never intended to do. Biana didn't deserve to be "pretty," after how much she hurt everyone. 

Let me go! Fitz wanted to scream in his sister's face. He wanted to find Sophie, to bring her back. Keefe had messed everything up and now Sophie was gone. But Biana clung tightly to Fitz. She was surprisingly strong. But deep down, Fitz knew that he'd never get far. So maybe he'd go and beat some sense into his supposed "best friend."

You are all I think about at night. Keefe had woken up in that cave to see Sophie gone. Of course he had searched- yelled her name until his throat grew hoarse. Then he told everyone. If only he had told Sophie about his stupid crush sooner. Maybe that would've fixed things. Or maybe if Biana hadn't somehow got him to dance with her things would be alright. Keefe was tired of losing everyone he loved. Soon, the nightmares would start.

Down came the water, rushing in. Lesedi was filled with too much heartache to care. She heard the screams of civilians and Neverseen members alike, all trying to escape the incoming tidal wave of water. The wave slammed into Lesedi, pushing her against a wall. She choked out, trying to seek some air- but found only the taste of salt in her mouth. A white fog eclipsed her vision. . .

Never doing that again. Edaline knew this was the last time she'd raise children. Was she a curse to them all? To Jolie? To Sophie? Both might be dead because of her. Did she really think she could do it right? Do it again without failing? Edaline would never recover after this. It was her fault. . . all her fault. . .

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