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[Y/N]'s POV - May 7, 2001.

"Daddy, I'm scared." I whined, holding on so tightly to Daddy. In my mind I begged and begged that we'd stay safe. I don't like storms, they're terrifying. Especially here... Tornadoes are common. Scary, Scary tornadoes.... The thought chills me to the bone.

The thought of tornadoes lingered in my mind as I heard my Daddy speak in a calm, soothing voice. "[Y/N], we're gonna be okay. Let's stay strong for Mommy, okay?" Mommy. She went away to be with the angels a while ago. I don't think we'll see her for a long time. Oh Mommy...

I let out a loud scream when the ground began to shake, just like an earthquake. Me and my Daddy don't have a basement, or a storm cellar. We're sitting in the bathtub... Oh no!

The world is spinning. It's moving faster.... faster.... faster.... I screamed! I flew up against a wall, Daddy tried to grab me but he was too slow I never felt pain compared to that on my head.

"[Y/N]!" Was the last thing I heard.

The world went black. But I'm still awake. I can see everyone! I can see everything! But I'm not in my body! Daddy's crying... I see Mommy! Mommy! What's she doing here?

"Mommy!" I squealed. It WAS her! I remember her brown hair that always smelt like roses! I remember her kind blue eyes, they were so pretty! I remember how tan her skin is, how tall she is, how perfect her smile is! She's right here in front of me! Just gazing at me. Her pretty eyes rarely left me, except for the few times they looked at Daddy.

"Dear little one... I'm so happy to see you! To be able to speak to you! But Daddy still needs you. I promise, I'll be here waiting. Does your head hurt, my lovely?" Spoke the soothing voice of Mommy. I felt like I HAD to give her a hug. I HAD to! I wrapped my arms around Mommy and let out a quiet, pained cry.

"Mommy, it does hurt! My head, and my heart! I want you and Daddy back together! I wanna be one big family! Mommy, please come back! Please come back!" I cried, burying my face into her side. This would probably be my last time to do that. "I-I never... got to say bye to you..." I sniffled. I need to tell the truth, I DO want mommy back.

"Sh, my sweet. Close your eyes, you'll wake up in no time... I'll leave you a present, it will be a gift to treasure, it will keep you and your Father safe, no matter the weather. So dry those tears, don't you cry, Mommy's here to take those fears, and push them all behind." Mommy slowly sung. I loved her singing voice, it made me so happy. No, it made me more than happy. It calmed me. "I love you my baby, but your Daddy needs you. I'll be here to watch over you..." Her voice seemed to fade out.

Gasp! I took a deep breath of air as I woke up. I could still smell my Mommy, the smell of roses lingered in the air. I looked around, before seeing a lady walk into the room. She was tale and pale, with green eyes and brown hair. I scrunched my nose at her.

"I see you're awake, little lady. I'm Dr. Reynolds. Would you like me to call your father in here?" She kindly asked, shooting me a polite smile. It didn't look real though... It was one of those fake smiles people give you so you don't feel bad or offended. She doesn't like me...

I tried to speak- I really did! But I couldn't get anything out. I just nodded. What point is having a voice when it's too hurt to be used? Dr. Reynolds gave me a nod in return and left the room, leaving me alone to lay down. To lay, alone, and think. I looked to a little picture of a blue seahorse on the wall, and it fell off! Must be the wind... In a closed hospital room? Oh wait, it could be from movement next-door.

"Hey sweetie." I heard a familiar voice, the voice of Daddy. I heard something I usually don't hear from him. Stress, Worry, Pain, it was like he thought he was going to lose me. Like how we lost Mommy... I grimly thought.

I coughed, but yet I still couldn't force myself to speak. It hurt too much. But I looked at where the picture of the blue seahorse was.... and it flew back up. Daddy wasn't even looking, either!

"I get to take you home next Friday, that's only in four days, sweetheart..." Daddy spoke, sitting in the chair next to me. He moved some of my messy [H/C] hair out of in front of my eyes. "Could you get some rest?"

I nodded, giving Daddy a smile. He deserves it. I mean, he could've lost me! He already lost... Mommy.

But before he left, I needed to get his attention! I looked at the blue seahorse picture... And then I looked at Daddy, it flew over and softly hit Daddy in the back. He turned around before asking a question.

"[Y/N]. Sweetheart, tell me who did that?"

I slowly rose one of my small hands, making my dad smile and shake his head. He didn't believe me. I think I was the one that moved the picture!

"Who did it? I bet you there's someone in here other than us." Daddy asked once again, this time with a little less patience than before, but he was still keeping his calm, staying cool and happy.

I coughed and finally answered in a hoarse voice. My throat hurt so much! "D-Daddy it WAS m-me! W-Watch!" I stammered, lifting my hand again. The painting flew back up on the wall. I didn't know it at the time, because I was only a mere five, but this would be the start of a wondrous secret. A secret that I had no choice to keep, and let grow and prosper, for the rest of my life.


'Ey guys! I hope you enjoyed the little prologue. I'm actually looking for someone to help me write this story. I have a feeling this story is going to be really fun. ~ℱяøм Åṧℌℯṧ Tø Aṧнeṧ

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