First Day of School

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I groggily woke up and checked the time. I stood from my bed and knocked on the bathroom door loudly. "KAI! HURRY UP! You don't need hair gel to go to school!"

Kai opened the door and glared at me. "Hey, if I wanna impress lots of girls at school, I need hair gel."

I smirked. "The only girl you need to impress is Skylor Chen." Kai turned as red as his pajamas.

"How do you... you know we're dating?" He asked nervously. I giggled.

"I caught you two making out in your room a few days ago. You were too absorbed in it so you didn't notice  me open the door."

Kai sighed. "Well, I'm done, so the bathroom's all yours." I smiled sweetly at him and closed the door behind me. After I finished getting ready, I headed down the stairs and saw Kai eating breakfast.

"Here," he said, handing me a piece of toast. "Eggs are on the counter." I headed over to the counter and filled my plate with eggs, and I sat down across from Kai at the table and started eating.

"So, you have a crush?" Kai asked. I shook my head, taking a bite of my toast. He smirked. "Anyway, I need to introduce you to my friends."

"I don't need you showing me around, Kai. This is my third year of high school."

He rolled his eyes. "No, I'm gonna introduce you to my friends. Not show you around. Geez, listen once in a while, can you? I have four best friends, and two other friends. Though, I'm not that close to those two friends."

I rolled my eyes and put my plate in the sink, along with Kai's. I grabbed my pink backpack and tossed Kai his red one. "Let's go. We don't want to be late again like last year. Though that was your fault since you were hogging the bathroom."

Kai grumbled something about sisters being annoying as he opened the door.

I waved goodbye to my mom as I headed out the door to the mansion I live in. My dad wasn't home, since he was acting in a movie in a different city. I've never got to spend anytime with him, and I barely know him, but I'm used to it.

"Jay! You're heading to the monastery after school, right?" My mom called after me. I gave her a thumbs up, and she closed the door. I started the engine to my car and drove to Cole's house, which wasn't that far away. I parked outside on the street and waited for the guy to show up.

I saw Cole exit his house and he walked up to my car. I unlocked the door and he got in, closing the door behind him. "Hey, Cole, how's it going?" I asked. He grinned at me.

"Pretty well, thanks. How do you feel about being back at school?" I shrugged and started driving. "Have you seen your dad this summer?" Cole asked, changing the subject.

"Nah. I saw him once or twice when he stopped by. But he was mostly visiting my mother. And sure, he gave me a hug and all that but he didn't really talk to me. Is your dad still set on you becoming a dancer?"

Cole sighed. "Yeah, and a singer. Do you think you can teach me a few moves after school today? You are heading to the monastery for training, right?"

"Yeah. Of course I will teach you," I replied, pulling up at Ninjago City High. Cole grinned at me and patted my back.

"Thanks, buddy." We got out of the car and walked into the school. We both headed to our lockers, which were right next to each other. Kai's, Zane's, and Lloyd's lockers were next to ours too. Speaking of Zane, where was he?

I stepped into the A Hallway. The principal reserved the A Hallway for us ninja, so it was known as the Ninja Hallway. Bad name if you ask me. No one else is supposed to be in the Ninja Hallway except for the ninja, which I am one. Me and the other four ninja were already best friends long before Master Wu recruited us. We were elemental masters, so it was convenient we were best buddies. That made Wu's job of finding us easier.

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