Another damn day

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(Her outfit)

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(Her outfit)

The pale light of dawn filtered through the curtains as Saige Chandler sat at the breakfast table, a steaming mug of coffee warming her hands. She glanced out the window, watching the world slowly come to life, her mind already bracing for another day of navigating the treacherous halls of Westerburg High.

Heather, her sister, glided into the kitchen, her presence commanding attention even in the early hours. "Morning, Saige," she greeted with a saccharine smile, her voice dripping with false sweetness.

Saige grunted in response, her eyes narrowing as she braced herself for the inevitable onslaught of her sister's criticisms.

Heather's gaze flickered over Saige's attire, a disdainful curl to her lip. "You're wearing that to school?" she asked, her tone laced with thinly veiled contempt.

Saige shrugged, her jaw set in defiance. "Yeah, why? Planning another makeover session with your entourage?"

Heather's perfectly manicured nails tapped impatiently against the countertop. "Just trying to help you fit in, Saige. You could learn a thing or two from me and the Heathers."

Saige scoffed, her frustration simmering just beneath the surface. "Yeah, because being a carbon copy of you and your minions sounds like a real blast."

Their mother entered the kitchen, sensing the tension between her daughters. "Can we please have a peaceful morning, girls?" she pleaded, pouring herself a cup of tea.

Heather shot Saige a withering glare before plastering on a fake smile for their mother's benefit. "Of course, Mom. Saige and I were just discussing the latest fashion trends."

Saige rolled her eyes, her resentment towards her sister boiling over. She longed to break free from the suffocating expectations placed upon her, to carve out her own identity in a world that seemed determined to keep her in the shadows.

As the morning light bathed the kitchen in its soft glow, Saige Chandler made a silent vow to defy the expectations of her sister and her friends. Today marked the beginning of her rebellion, the first step towards embracing her true self, even if it meant standing alone against the tide of conformity.

Saige pushed her chair back from the table, her resolve hardening with each step she took towards the front door. She grabbed her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder as she prepared to face another day in the battlefield known as high school.

Heather's voice trailed after her, a last attempt to assert her dominance. "You know, Saige, if you just tried a little harder to fit in, maybe you wouldn't be such a loner."

Saige paused, her hand hovering over the doorknob, before turning to face her sister with a steely gaze. "I'd rather be a loner than lose myself trying to be someone I'm not," she retorted, her voice firm and unwavering.

With that, she flung open the door and stepped out into the crisp morning air, the weight of her sister's expectations falling away with each determined stride she took.

As she walked towards Westerburg High, Saige felt a sense of liberation wash over her. For too long, she had allowed herself to be defined by the opinions of others, but now, she was ready to embrace her individuality, to stand tall in her own skin, regardless of the consequences.

And so, with her head held high and her heart ablaze with defiance, Saige Chandler ventured forth into the unknown, a rebel in the shadows, carving out her own path in a world that had always tried to confine her.

As lunchtime rolled around, Saige found herself seated at the crowded cafeteria table, sandwiched between her sister, Heather, and Veronica, the outsider who seemed to be growing on her. The Heathers chatted animatedly about the latest gossip and upcoming parties, but Saige's attention kept drifting to the new kid, JD, who sat a few tables away.

Every now and then, she caught him stealing glances in her direction, his dark eyes flickering with something she couldn't quite decipher. Saige felt a flutter of curiosity in her chest, but she quickly pushed it aside, focusing instead on the conversation at hand.

Heather, ever the ringleader, decided it was time for their lunchtime poll – a daily ritual where they would approach unsuspecting students and ask them some stupid question It was a cruel game, but Saige had learned to go along with it to avoid drawing attention to herself.

As they made their way through the cafeteria, Saige couldn't shake the feeling of being pulled in JD's direction. She hesitated for a moment, torn between the familiar comfort of her sister's clique and the tantalizing mystery of the new kid.

But before she could make a decision, Heather and Veronica grabbed her by the arm, dragging her towards a group of unsuspecting freshmen. Saige went along with it, plastering on a fake smile as they approached their targets.

As they launched into their poll, Saige's mind wandered back to JD. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something different about him, something that drew her to him like a moth to a flame.

With a sudden burst of determination, Saige broke free from her sister's grip and made her way over to JD's table. As she approached, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest, anticipation coursing through her veins.

"Hey mind if I ask a stupid question ," she said, flashing him a tentative smile.
"There's no such thing as a stupid question." He smiled back
" You inherit $50 million but the same day aliens land on the planet and say they are going to blow up the entire world. What do you do?" She laughed
"Now that's a stupid question , I'd say I'd roll out to the lake. A bottle tequila. My sax some Bach and a pretty girl." He winks her
Before she can say anything Back Heather grabs her by the arm  "Saige don't talk to the likes of him."

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