Our love is god

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The next part of their plan was simple, at least in JD's twisted mind: get Ram and Kurt alone again, and finish what they'd started. But this time, Saige would play a more active role. She had to be the bait, to lure the two jocks into their trap. After all, Ram and Kurt were stupid enough to fall for it twice.

Saige wasn't sure how she felt about the plan. The events from the diner still haunted her, but as JD kept reminding her, they couldn't leave loose ends. She found herself nodding along with his logic, her mind dulled to the idea of what they were about to do. The adrenaline, the thrill—it overpowered the guilt. At least, that's what she told herself.

Saige picked up the phone, her hands trembling slightly as she dialed Ram's number. She wasn't the best at playing along, but all she needed to do was give them what they wanted—another chance. A second date.

After a few rings, Ram answered with a cocky, "What's up?"

"Hey, Ram, it's Saige," she began, forcing sweetness into her voice. "So, about last night... I was thinking maybe we could try again? You, me, and Kurt?"

There was a momentary silence, likely from the surprise of her reaching out again. He probably thought he'd blown his chances. "Uh, yeah, totally. When?"

"Tonight," Saige said, glancing over at JD, who was watching her with that dark, calculating smirk. "Meet me in the woods behind the football field around eight. Bring Kurt, too. We'll hang out—no pressure this time."

Ram laughed, the sound smug and sleazy through the receiver. "Sounds good. We'll be there."

After hanging up, Saige turned to JD, who gave her an approving nod. "See? That wasn't so hard. Now, let's make sure they never get to make any more moves."

Later that night, the air was cool, and the woods behind the football field were eerily quiet. Saige stood by a cluster of trees, her leather jacket pulled tight against her body. JD was nearby, hidden in the shadows, the glint of a gun barely visible under his coat.

She heard the crunch of leaves under heavy footsteps before she saw Ram and Kurt approaching, both grinning like idiots, clearly thinking they were in for another shot at impressing her.

"There she is," Ram called out, flashing that arrogant grin that Saige had come to despise. "Didn't think you'd call back after last night."

Kurt chuckled, nudging Ram. "Yeah, guess we did something right, huh?"

Saige gave a tight smile, trying not to let her disgust show. "Yeah, I just thought... we didn't get a fair chance to have fun. I wanted to make it up to you."

Ram raised an eyebrow, stepping closer. "Yeah? Well, I'm liking the sound of that."

But before either of them could get any closer, JD stepped out from behind the trees, his movements smooth and deliberate. Ram's face fell when he saw JD, his grin fading into confusion.

"What's this?" Ram asked, narrowing his eyes. "You bringing the freak along for a threesome or something?"

JD smiled, the gun now fully visible in his hand. "Something like that."

Ram and Kurt froze, their eyes widening as they realized what was happening. Kurt stammered, "Whoa, man, what the hell? We're just hanging out—"

"Not anymore," JD interrupted, his voice calm but laced with menace. "See, you two have been nothing but a problem. And problems need to be solved."

Saige's heart raced, but she stayed rooted to the spot, watching as JD took control of the situation. Ram, realizing the danger he was in, raised his hands defensively. "Come on, man, whatever you're thinking, you don't have to do it. We'll just leave, okay? No one has to get hurt."

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