chapter 1

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(first person pov)

my mom comes in my room and wakes me up for school I get up and snap my friends then i get in a shower. once I get out I put on a cute but comfy outfit.

then i sit at my vanity and do my hair and makeup for the day

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then i sit at my vanity and do my hair and makeup for the day. I then call my best friend to see if she's almost ready. while we call I pack my back pack and make sure my brothers almost ready. my mom yells that it's time to go so I hang up with nikki and get in the car.we go and pick up nikki and her brother and go to and nikki have all the same classes so that's good. 1st period is English it's not to bad but all we did was read so 🤷🏼‍♀️. we're walking to our next class when we hear a group of juniors go "damnnn looking good today elleana" nikki looks at them and says " and u do not now zip". we start laughing and talking about my crush brady jackson

(bradys pov)

I see elleana walk past me. "damn elleana looks fine today" I say to my group. "bro you know who her brother is right?" Marcus said "no, who?" I said "Alex Anderson the captain of the football team" chris says. *in my head* shit that could get me benched if I mess with her. "well she's still pretty" I say " sure bro" Marcus says (the bell rings) "alright well we better get to class" I say "yeah" the rest say

(elleanas pov)

"nikki are you going to the game with me" I ask " if you go then yeah" she responds " obviously I have to go and watch alex" I say "more like watch brady" she says. I roll my eyes at her. the school day ends and then it's time to go home. I get home and begin to get ready for the game so I don't look like complete shit. nikki calls me and asks what I'm wearing and I show her my outfit.

my brother alex comes in my room and asks if I'm almost ready he's wearing his uniform

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my brother alex comes in my room and asks if I'm almost ready he's wearing his uniform.

my brother alex comes in my room and asks if I'm almost ready he's wearing his uniform

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"yeah" I respond and tell nikki I'll see her soon then hung up. at the football game the boys run through the poster the cheerleaders are holding and a little later the game starts. me and nikki end up going to the concession stand and talking most of the game. after a little while the game ends and I take pictures with my brother.

me and nikki have a sleepover at my house that night when I get a notification from snap

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me and nikki have a sleepover at my house that night when I get a notification from snap.

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