chapter 2

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I get a notification from snap.

bjackson12 added you!

"BRADY JACKSON JUST ADDED ME ON SNAP!!" I yell "WHAT" nikki says back  "brady jackson my crush just added me on snap" I say again "has he texted you or anything?" nikki asks "no not yet" I say as I get a notification

brady sent u a chat

"NIKKI HE JUST TEXTED ME" I yell at her "WELL OPEN IT DONT LEAVE HIM ON DELIVERED" she yells back "WELL OBVIOUSLY" I respond I open the chat to see

"hey u looked good at the game tonight" I respond with "thanks u played good tonight congrats on the win" "thanks so I'll see you tomorrow at school I'm going to bed gn" he says "okk gn see u tomorrow " I text back.

"so what did he say" nikki asks "he said I looked good at the game" I says with a big smile "well obviously you looked good what did he expect just because he looks retarded don't mean your gonna" nikki says "nikki u can't say that, that's the love of my life" I say "no tf he isn't I am😘" she responds "well obviously but he's the one I'm gonna marry" I say "ok girl stay delusional honey " she says to me "whatever let's js go to bed we got school in the morning" I tell her.

the next morning we get ready and do our hair and makeup.

this is my outfit and makeup

this is my outfit and makeup

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this is nikkis outfit and makeup

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this is nikkis outfit and makeup

this is nikkis outfit and makeup

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my mom drives us all to school

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my mom drives us all to school. we arive at school and the day goes by pretty normal until the juniors and seniors come into our last period to have us help them make paper flowers for homecoming. asher, me, nikki and brady all end up in a group which turns into asher and nikki working together and me and brady.

(brady's pov)

my class and the seniors go to the 8th grades last period and ask them to help us make paper flowers for homecoming. they agreed so we paired up and started working. I chose to work with elleana. "so elleana you look pretty today" I say trying to start up a conversation with her. "thanks you don't look to bad today either" she responds. I smile at her and we continue making the flowers. after what felt like a few minutes the bell rang and the school day was over. I said bye to elleana and said I'd text her later she smiled at me and said "okk bye". man she's gorgeous. I get I my car and wait fir my friend luke to get out. once he gets in my car we start driving to my house. " bro she's actually so gorgeous and so nice like forget out age gap and we could be a perfect couple you know" I say " but dude she's an 8th grader and ur a junior it probably wouldn't work" he responds "ok but hear me out me and elleana Anderson together perfect couple of all time I think we would work out" I tell him "but if yall don't work out and u break her heart her brothers gonna beat you AND bench you" he says "yeah but I won't hurt her I swear" I say as we pull into my drive way "whatever man just be careful" he says as we walk in.

(elleanas pov)

me and nikki get to my house and run up stairs to my room to get ready for volleyball practice. "man we can't be late or coach will make us do 2 extra laps" I say "yeah and I'm not about to do that bullshit" she says "obviously I'm not either" I say while we run out the door to practice. we get to practice right on time so we start warming up with our team.

later that night after practice nikki goes home and once I get home I go and hop into a shower. when I get out I see I got a text from brady. "hey wyd I'm bored rn" he says I respond with "nothing much I just got out of a shower" " nice well I'll talk to u later bye" he says "ok bye" I respond.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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