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14th May 2015

Today the winds that were blowing felt more stronger, night seemed more darker and everything else seemed to be more complicated as well.

Arnav was driving his car and going somewhere, but throughout the entire time only one thing going on in his mind, he could only hear one voice.
"Mr Raizada! We will be trying our best but children's are in a very difficult position, so there's a very less chance that we will be able to save both children as well as Khushi, we might be able to save only one of them" .

Those piercing words that doctor said wasn't leaving his head so easily, this was supposed to be a happy day for him and Khushi but instead it was a nightmare. He had never felt so helpless in his life before, his wife and to be born kids were fighting for their life in the hospital and he wasn't able to do anything about it.

At the hospital doctors were trying their best to make everything alright, but the situation seemed really difficult. The whole family was waiting outside and was praying for Khushi and kids.

"God knows! Whose evil eye caught our family! Khushi bitiya and those little lives are fighting for their life inside and we can't do anything about it" Nani said while breaking down.

"Our Sankadevi is full of chaos but also she's very innocent and always wants the best for everyone. Devi maiya! Please protect her" Bua ji says while praying to Devi maiya.

Anjali was also totally heartbroken, see could see herself in Khushi as she also had to go through a similar situation almost a year back.

"I can totally understand the pain of losing a child, and I don't even want my worst enemy to go through that pain. I don't my chote and Khushi ji to go through that pain, Devi maiya has to protect them" she says while wiping her tears.

Arnav was standing in front of The Temple, the place where he went only either with his family or with Khushi, but never on his own. But they say love makes people cross all the boundaries they have, here he was standing in front of the temple on his own will. He began climbing the steps and as he was about to enter he suddenly stopped, Khushi's words came in his mind

"Arnav ji! Always remember, you must take off your shoes before entering the temple it signifies your respect towards the deities"

Arnav took off his shoes and walked inside, he stood in front of the statue of Devi maiya but wasn't directly looking at her, he was looking at her feet instead.

"You know why I am here?" Arnav said with his shaky voice he was still looking down.

"To ask for something, not for me but for Khushi. You know her right? She talks to you all the time, she says that you're her bestfriend. Well, guess what? She's my bestfriend too! And not just bestfriend but she's my wife, the mother of my kids, my soulmate, she's everything"  Arnav finally looked up, his eyes were red like blood.

"Right now she's fighting for her and our children's life in hospital, but still I know she has complete faith in you, she always said to me that if someone asks for something with a pure heart you always fulfill their wishes. I accept that you may not love me but you love Khushi right? I am here for Khushi, please you must save her" Arnav said while joining both his hands.

Arnav Singh Raizada who never joined his hands in front of anyone was now joining his hands in front of Devi maiya. Oh! Things that love makes man do.

Arnav was cold hearted, he didn't believe in love, he thought emotions and feelings were worthless. But being in love with Khushi changed everything for him, it made him realize that life doesn't have to be black and white always as it can be colourful as well.  It had changed him overall as a person, he couldn't even think about losing her, because if he did it would completely ruin him.

But right now he wasn't praying for his sake, he was praying for Khushi and only Khushi. Because he knew that after everything she was been through she deserves to live a happy life.

Arnav realized that his phone had been ringing since a long time, he took it out from his pocket and saw that he had atleast 10 missed call from Anjali. Without a second thought he immediately called her back.

"Hello Di! What happened? Is everything alright" he asked as his heart rate was increasing faster and faster

"Chote where are you? Please come to hospital fast" Anjali said with her cracked voice

Arnav immediately cut the call and rushed to the car. Right now there were millions of thoughts in his mind, what could have happened? Is Khushi okay? Are kids okay? What is the situation over there. He was genuinely scared, what if he has to face the most tragic moment of his life, under no circumstances was he ready to face any tragedy.

He reached hospital and immediately rushed inside. All family members were there in the waiting room, Arnav rushed to Anjali.

"Di! What were you saying in the phone? Is everything okay? Is my Khushi okay?" He asked while placing his hand on both of her shoulders.

"Chote actually-"

"Mr Raizada!" Doctor called cutting off Anjali.

Everyone was tensely looking at doctor, no one knew if she will give a good news or a bad news.

"Mr Raizada, we have successfully delivered both your kids and your wife is safe as well. But-"

AN: Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger. Cause this is just a trailer, you must read the whole thing to know what happened!!!

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