{new life}

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I hold onto wesker as tightly as I could as I felt tired from how confusing everything was. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the events that had folded. I feel like a weak kitten who's trying to adjust to the world still. Wesker stopped a bit as he leans down to me.
"My little kitten~." He teases to me as I felt my checks get warmed up. Wesker laughed as he places me down as we were somewhere else now. "Huh how did we get here so quickly?" I marveled
"By the new abilities I gained." Wesker explained as he walks out of the room for something.
He comes back shortly after without his glasses on, his eyes are now ones of a demon.
I shiver as I notice a syringe in his hand.
"Sorry have to take some blood to make sure you're not infected." Wesker sighed as it seemed like there was something on his mind as he leans in and takes the cap off the syringe and softly holds my exposed arm and carefully puts the syringe into my skin and extracts some blood and pulls away. After words he puts a black bandage on the syringe spot. I whimpered the whole entire time he put the syringe into my arm.
"I'm sorry, I'll just put a movie on to make up for this." Wesker added on as he walks out. I got up from the couch as I walk out of the room. I was curious where Wesker went. But I decided to look around it was some sort of fancy bedroom with a queen size bed, a couch, a tv, a walk in closet, and a bathroom.

After a bit of walking I spot Wesker in the kitchen wearing black pjs, he was putting 2 bags of popcorn in the microwave.
"Oh yeah, I forgot I have some pjs in the room you were in to borrow." Wesker commented as I blush embarrassed and nods and went back into the room. I notice a white nightdress on the window nook, is he trying to do yin yang shit with the pjs, I didn't want to be in work clothes anymore so I reluctantly put the nightdress on. I walk outside once I had it on. But how did he get the nightdress there without me noticing, I don't feel like asking him how he did it.

I tried my best to be as quiet as I can and walked to the living room and sits down on the couch. I felt a rather intense embarrassment due to not comfortable wearing dresses, but this nightdress was nice it was a comfortable silk. I heard some footsteps as Wesker walked in holding a tray with popcorn and drinks, I notice one happened to be (F/D) I'm aware he knew I love that drink due to me mentioning it and some of my teammates buying it for me.
"You look like a pretty little angel (N/N)." Wesker smirks as he walked to the couch and place down the tray on the coffee table and sits down next to me, my checks flair up from the compliment he said.
"S-Shu-" I mumbled but he stops me by placing a finger on my lips as he grabs the remote to turn on the tv. He ended up playing Terminator on the tv, I can feel my heart beat increase even more. I groan to myself out of annoyance but also embarrassment. I tried to ignore the embarrassment and the rushing heart beat I had as I watched the Terminator film with Wesker, I enjoyed the popcorn as Wesker had obviously added extra seasoning and more butter to it. While watching the movie I could notice Wesker is closer to me out of the corner of my eye, wonder why Wesker gotten closer to me.

I felt a finger touches my jaw as my head was moved to the side as Wesker leans in and kisses me. My whole face felt like it gotten hot as I was too fluster to react to this, after the kiss all I could do was squeak from embarrassment.
I don't even know what to do so I couldn't control myself so I ran out of the room and literally went into the bedroom trying to control my squeals as I push my face into a pillow trying to calm down.
So many thoughts are going through my head.
While I tried to calm down I felt really sleepy and ended up falling asleep on the bed.

Wesker pov
I couldn't help but chuckle at the sudden outburst from (Y/N) it was oddly adorable. But why out of all specimens of S.T.A.R.S I got attracted to her? This honestly got me curious and thinking. Could she be the one that was meant for me and only me?
I reach for the remote and turns the tv off, after I put the remote down and got up from the sofa as I pick up the tray with the empty popcorn bucket and empty bottles and walks to the kitchen to take care of it. I put the empty bottles in recycling and the popcorn kernels that didn't pop in the trash, then I put the bucket in the sink for me to clean up later. I walk out of the kitchen and into the hallway. I should check up on (Y/N) though.
I peaked into the room to see if she was alright but just to see she had fallen asleep. I could hear the soft snores from her. I chuckle at this as I softly walked in and tucked her in fully as she wasn't tucked in and was just laying on the blankets.
I then quickly but softly walked out of her room and walks into the hallway were the Vial of (Y/N)'s blood is and walks to the hidden lab I have in my house and put the blood vial in the mini fridge I had to keep it fresh.
After all the chores it's finally for me to sleep I get out of my hidden lab and close the entrance then I walked to my room for bed.

𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝗈𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖨 𝖼𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗋 (Albert Wesker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now