Part 1: mialottes first meeting. 🫡

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Chars pov:
It's 7am and I'm already exhausted.. I couldn't sleep last night because of the heart ache my husband or should I say ex husband left when he left me,, the house has been so quiet for the past few days. Me alone with my thoughts and nobody else. Just sitting in silence praying for it all to go away. I don't want to go to work. Nobody there knows the pain I'm in just because I can't tell anyone. I hate telling people how I feel especially the people I love most and apparently there's a new deputy manager at the other nursery that I have to meet which is great I'm not in the "meeting people" kind of mood today but I'll do it just for Marjorie after all she is my best friend. 

I got ready and looked at the time it was already 7:40 I'm on the 7:45am shift today, I rush to grab my keys and bolted out of the door hoping to make it on time. I usually get a coffee before work but I didn't have the time or energy and I just wanted to get the day over with .

Mia's pov: it's my first day working at the nursery and I genuinely can't wait. More people to boss around. Roger got me this job I'm not even qualified to do it but i just know everyone's going to love me ;) .. I do have Reece to keep on a leash at all times though so that'll also be fun. 

I get to the nursery about 10 minutes early but that's enough to introduce myself to some people. I hear Reece in a room with his little puppet Marjorie 🙄 she sounds so annoying I think to myself rolling my eyes,, I pull Reece out of the room and I hear Marjorie sigh. "Do I really have to sit in a room with HER?" I say clenching my fists and the thought of her. "Yes mia you do and you better be good" Reece spoke in a mildly aggressive tone,, I sigh and just walk back in "hi.. you must be Marjorie" *I laugh to myself* "I've heard a lot about you" I say looking her up and down. "Oh. You have? Who even are you?" She stares back. "Oh Reecey,, you haven't told her" I move my gaze to him hearing Marjorie mumble something to herself ! "I told her you're the new deputy manager.. which you are" he says clenching his teeth giving me sign not to say anything about our past.  "Hm.. Reece why don't you give me and Marjorie here some time to talk.?" I loudly demand. "Fine but be quick char will be here soon" He leaves ..
"So's just us girls now." I smile fakely watching her eyes meet mine . "What do you want..?" She asks in a deep tone. "I just want you to know Reecey isn't going anywhere from me.. I'm here to claim him back." I whisper the last few words. "What.?" She stares down at the ground looking in a confused daze.
"I'm his ex girlfriend Marjorie."
"Oh uhm okay" she lets out a sigh
I smile at her in a kind of manner.
There's a knock at the door.
"That must be char.. let her in" Marjorie insists
"Fine." I open the door and stare at the girl in front of me *"oh my god" I think to myself*
"Uhm hi, im Charlotte"  char smiles sweetly
I snap out of the little gaze I was in and whispered
"I know who you are sweetheart" watching her eyes light up and her face go red .
"Oh you do?" She giggles "you just be mia.hi uh can I can get you anything.?"
Marjorie storms out in an agitated state.
I watch Marjorie leave the room and look back at char admiring her face and her hair..
"No thank you sweetheart,, you look really pretty"
I watch as she blushes and moves her head down a little.

Chars pov: I walked up to the door of the office and knock. I was nervous and wasn't really prepared for this at all that's when someone answers and I look up to see a beautiful redhead with the most perfect hair and eyes looking at me with a smile across her face. "Uhm hi, im Charlotte" I say trying to prevent myself from smiling which clearly didn't work.
"I know who you are sweetheart" the redhead says.
I don't know whether to be weirded out she knew who I was or to scream at the nickname she just gave me. My face went red and she very quickly noticed so I tried to distract her from this situation.
"you just be mia.hi uh can I can get you anything.?"
I watch as Marjorie leaves looking agitated and quite frustrated...
I look back to see mia staring at me.
"No thank you sweetheart,, you look really pretty"
I'm not even into women I don't think but god this one knows how to make me nervous.
She notices my ring and looks at it with a small pout on her face ..
"Oh you're married.?" She asks
"Oh uhm no .. it's a long story" I feel the tears fill my eyes. Nobody's asked me about this in a long time.
"Want to talk about it? I'm free for a while?" She says grabbing my hand.
"Yes please, that would be nice" I look at her knowing she's the first person I'm going to open up to and I really needed that at the moment.
I sit down asking her to sit beside me and I tell her everything. I just watch as her eyes follow me and she doesn't interrupt or make me feel uncomfortable, she just sat and listened. I felt my eyes start watering again .
"Sweetheart it's okay,, you're safe. Let it all out" she holds her arms out and I just start to bawl at the thought of someone actually caring about me. Grabbing her so tight . I didn't understand the feelings I was feeling or why I was in the arms of a complete stranger telling her everything about my life that hurt me but I was and I felt so safe with her.

Mia's Pov: she held me so tight and I wasn't complaining. I was so cold most of the time and it was weird that I was feeling so much connection to this woman. She was so sweet and her past broke me. She didn't deserve to feel the way she was. And she certainly didn't deserve to have to cry in a complete strangers arms when she had people who apparently cared about her. I just listened as she sobbed and comforted her telling her I was here and she wasn't alone. I didn't want to let her go or this moment go. For once I felt like I was doing the right thing. She looks up at me .
"Mia, can you drive me home?! I don't want to be in work right now"
"Yes of course I can sweetheart. You know I'll do anything for you." I smiled at her and the thought of her feeling comfortable with me.
"What are you going to tell Marjorie?" I ask .
"I'll just tell her I don't feel good rn" she look up at me with her makeup all down her face.
"Okay angel.hey let's get your face cleaned up a little and ill give you a ride home"
She smiles and nods .
I never wanted to let her go. It was weird. I've never actually felt this way for anyone. Not for a long time. 

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