Chapter 6: Aftermath And Confessions

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June 9th, 2024.

Current Time: 2:15 PM.

Contains: Fluff And Protective Animatronics.


(Y/N)'s POV

Before I could fall to the floor, I felt someone catch me. Looking around with weak eyes, I saw that it was Sun who had caught me.

"I've got you Sunshine!" his cheery voice called out. I wanted to smile, but my battery was too low for me to move.

"Why? Why after what I did to Moon would you help me?" my voice was quiet because of my battery. What Sun said next made my mechanical heart melt.

"Because I know it wasn't you that hurt him. Me and Moon will do whatever it takes to fix you, I promise," he spoke softly, playing with one of the rings on my head.

"I need to charge," I whispered, and Sun swiftly carried me to the Charging Port in my room. I instantly powered down while I charged, and the whole time, I thought about Sun and Moon.


With Moon

"Are you okay Moon?!" Sun asked me in a worried tone. I sat up and nodded.

"I'm fine Sun. Whatever (Y/N) did to me after she attacked me managed to repair me good as new," I answered, watching as my brother's eyes lit up.

"SHE CAN HEAL?!!!! THAT'S AMAZING!!!! I WANNA KNOW WHAT ELSE SHE CAN DO!!!!" Sun once again spoke with his usual enthusiasm and energetic demeanor. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I know you're curious Sun, but we have to wait for her to show us. Where is she by the way? I'd like to talk to her," I said, and Sun quieted down a little.

"She's charging in her room. Her attack on you took a lot out of her," my brother answered. I nodded in understanding before heading to (Y/N)'s room to wait.


After You've Finished Charging

Once I was fully charged, I stepped out of my Charging Port and went to exit my room, only to see Moon sitting on my couch.

"Before you get mad, I want to say that I was trying my hardest to fight against whatever was controlling me. I don't see how the virus can still be around since the culprit has been killed," I spoke out in a panic. Moon only pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay (Y/N), I know you'd never hurt me on purpose. We'll figure this out and put an end to your corruption," he said, and I felt my eye sockets leaking oil. The three of us were due to get new upgrades in a few days, which would make it easier for us to move our faces.

"I'm so scared Moon, of everything. I don't want to end up hurting you, Sun, or the children. I could never forgive myself if that happened!" I sobbed, burying my faceplate into Moon's chest plate.

While I continued to cry against Moon, Sun entered my room to see where the two of us were. Upon seeing the current state I was in, the daytime Attendant began to rub my back soothingly.

"Don't cry Sunshine! Me and Moon will stay with you until you calm down!" Sun told me in a caring tone. The both of them were going to be the death of me.



It took around an hour for me to finally stop crying, and now Sun, Moon, and myself were in the main area of the Daycare. The Celestial brothers were busy cleaning up the scattered toys and art supplies, while I was sitting at the Arts and Crafts table drawing a picture of the three of us holding hands.

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