Chapter 19: Breaking Point

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"As King, Queen and the Pawns rush and cause more chaos, Creo begins to struggle but he has yet to give up as he knew the people were counting on him and his allies to stop the enemies." The Narrator said.

"They're getting away!" Creo said as he got up and chased after them.

"They're heading towards the castle!" Creo shouted.

"Don't worry, we'll teleport you up there!" Zino said.

"Thank you very much Zino." Creo said.

"Zino opens a portal and sends Creo up and arrives at the top of the castle." The Narrator said.

"Oskar sees Creo at the castle and confronts him." The Narrator said.

"Creo, tell me honestly why these terrorists are here?!!" Oskar said frustratingly.

"Long story short, me and the terrorist organization had been fighting over a mysterious artifact and now they involved the kingdom into this mess." Creo said.

"I see." Oskar replied, trying to understand the situation.

"Well, as the former ruler before you entered the fray, I'm happy to defend the kingdom whether I live or die. I know you'll maintain the peace in the kingdom anyways." Oskar said.

"As Oskar, Athena and Creo prepare, King, Queen and a group of Pawn soldiers arrive accompanying them." The Narrator said.

"So that's them?" Oskar asked.

"It's them alright." Creo replied.

"Surrender now Creo, Elderith is now ours and your resistance is futile." King said with a cold smile.

"Honestly, look at yourself. You're a young man acting as a king, you think your fit for it. Ha! Pathetic!" Queen said in a mockingly tone.

"We won't let you destroy and wreck havoc upon Elderith, this kingdom stands united in stopping your evil plans!" Creo said angrily, determined to bring them down.

"You can try your best, but you'll eventually fall along with your very own kingdom!" King declared as he charged in and proceeded to clash blades with Creo.

"I won't give up to the likes of you!" Creo shouted angrily.

"We'll see about that." King said mockingly as he continues to strike his blade upon Creo.

"Honestly you and your friends should surrender now, we will spare your miserable lives. Resist and you'll end up like the rest." Queen said as she smirked.

"We won't surrender now and we are not going down, this battle ends today and here!" Athena said firmly.

"We've faced the worse of threats, bring it on." Creo said as he prepared to create a dual-wielding blade.

"The Pawns began charging forward with their weapons at ready. Creo swings his blade, deflecting the blows of his enemies. Athena moves with precision taking down two Pawns swiftly, knocking them down on the ground." The Narrator said.

"Hm, not bad for a bunch of Pawns." Oskar said as he grinned.

"I've had enough of this! Queen, go deal with our adversaries." King said angrily.

"With pleasure." Queen said as she charges into battle.

"You'll regret challenging us!" Queen stated as she started advancing against Creo and the others.

"Queen's attacks proved to be difficult to counter considering she kept attacking them from all directions in a much faster pace." The Narrator said in shock.

"Creo proceeds to create a small whirlwind to disorient Queen and the Pawns, scattering them across the castle hall." The Narrator said.

"Athena, cover Oskar, I'll handle King!" Creo said as he was panting.

"On it." Athena said, nodding in approval.

"Athena charges at Queen, their weapons clashing with a resounding clang. Oskar proceeds to fend off the remaining Pawn soldiers in the castle, but one of the Pawn soldiers manages to land a blow, knocking him to the ground." The Narrator said.

"It's alright guys, I'm...I'm okay!" Oskar said as he was struggling to get up.

"Not for long." King said as he approached him with a sinister grin.

"King and Oskar clashed their blades with one another but their fight ends shortly, as King catches Oskar off guard and knocks him around the castle." The Narrator said.

"Ultimately, King caught up to Oskar and stabbed him." The Narrator said.

"Creo saw what had happen and creates a saber and proceeds to charge and attack King." The Narrator stated.

"Leave him alone!" Creo said furiously.

"Oh but I'm afraid to say that, you are too late, "Creator"." King said laughingly.

"Athena manages to hold off Queen for a while and rushingly heads off to the severely injured Oskar." The Narrator said.

"Oskar, hey. It's going to be alright. Stay with us!" Athena said as her voice began to tremble.

"Athena, it is okay, I played my part in defending this kingdom although it wasn't much, if I was more in my prime then everything would have been a different story..." Oskar said weakly.

"Please don't say that." Creo said as he approached Oskar.

"I wish I could have been more of help but because of my restriction, I got weaker and I was unable to help you much at all..." Oskar groaned.

"So...I ask both of you this, please continue fighting for the kingdom, I'm counting on you guys." Oskar said smiling before eventually lying dead in their arms.

"Creo begins to get up and angrily confronts King for what had happened to Oskar and begins to swing his blade at him." The Narrator said.

"You bastard! You'll pay for that!" Creo said angrily after seeing his friend die.

"Like you're even able to make me do that." King said mockingly as he confronts Creo.

"Both of you are clearly not strong enough to beat us." Queen said mockingly as she approached Athena.

"I can see that you're using your emotions, you think your anger is the one thing that can beat me?" King said.

" Ha! You are sadly mistaken and you would be a fool to think that would be your solution!" King stated, mocking him for using his emotions.

"Meanwhile outside the castle, Zion, Zino, The Bookkeeper and the Arquitenens are busy fending off the other Pawns attacking the kingdom." The Narrator said.

"Honestly, I think we should check on Creo and Athena." Zion stated as he sheathe his sword.

"We can arrange that gentlemen, allow me and my men to handle the rest. Go now and help your friends!" The Arquitenen Leader said.

"Zino opened a portal and all three of them went to teleport inside the castle while the Arquitenen Leader resumed in helping out his men in killing the Pawns." The Narrator said.

"As they arrived, they see the battle going on, with Creo fighting King and Athena fighting Queen." The Narrator said.

"Mind if we help in?" Zion said sarcastically as he rushes in.

"Glad to see you're here to help us!" Athena said as she blocked Queen's attack.

"Your friends arrived, how charming!" King said mockingly.

"Now the fight can get even more interesting." King said sarcastically.

"And so, the story began to get more thrilling with each event becoming thrilling than the last and now that a personal turning point had just occured before Creo's very own eyes, what will his next action be? To be continued." The Narrator concluded.

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