𝗼𝗻𝗲. falling back

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FALLING BACKchapter one

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chapter one.

KANG HANA stood on the edge of the balcony, the city lights sprawling beneath her like a sea of forgotten dreams. She had come here countless times to clear her mind, but tonight was different.

The night breeze played with her hair, tangling the strands around her face, whispering secrets of the past and echoes of a future she was too afraid to confront.


She pondered the word, the concept, the feeling that had once seemed so elusive and then all-consuming.

Hana remembered the first intoxicating taste of it.

It wasn't just an emotion; it was a sensation, a blinding brightness that rivalled the sun. She could still see Sun-Jae's smile. It wasn't just any smile; it was a beacon, brighter than any summer day, illuminating the darkest corners of her heart. It was in those moments, when his lips curved upwards and his eyes sparkled with genuine joy, that she felt the first flutter of something profound. His smile was a map to her soul, a compass guiding her through the treacherous waters of fame and fortune.

Sun-Jae's eyes were her true north. They held the universe within them, galaxies of emotions that she could lose herself in. His eyes always gave away his true feelings, even when his words did not. They were windows to his soul, and through them, she saw everything love, pain, hope, and despair. In those eyes, she discovered her first understanding of what it meant to be truly seen, truly known, and deeply loved.

But love was not just light and warmth; it was also shadow and chill . . . and heartbreak.

Heartbreak for Hana was the way his radiant smile faltered and fell when she left him on one knee, a ring in his trembling hand, a question in his eyes that she was too cowardly to answer. Heartbreak was the shattering of his dreams and the crumbling of her own resolve.

She was a coward.

Too scared to face the hate and rejection, too selfish to sacrifice her career, or his for that matter, for the love Sun-Jae was never afraid to give.

And loss.

Oh, the loss.

It was the way his eyes became emptydevoid of the life and light she had come to cherish. It was the cold, lifeless body lying in a wooden casket, dressed in a black suit that did nothing to warm the chill of death. And his face . . . once so full of warmth, was pale and cold, a stark reminder of all that she had lost and all that she could never reclaim.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖, ryu sun jaeWhere stories live. Discover now