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"How many warehouses do you all have again?" I asked Enzo as we walked up to a warehouse. It was huge, and completely black. It blended into its surroundings, and didn't look that interesting.

The perfect place to store illegal shit.

He shrugged, Lucien and Dante following behind me and him. "We have a lot. I lost count a while ago."

I nodded and continued walking. I wonder how long all this is gonna take.

Or what we're about to do in here.

We could just be looking around, but then again I doubt it's going to be that simple.

Enzo said we were going to look at em, but who knows what he actually meant by that.

I mean, why does Lucien and Dante have to be here to do that?

"You lost count?"

He smiled his big ass smile, and then continue to walk with his hand in his pocket. "When you've been doing something for so long, and keep having shit added to something, you tend to forget things."

I mean he has a point.

"I mean, make sense."

"I know it does." Enzo replied.

"But yeah, like I said we're just gonna be looking around the warehouses and making sure everything is in order." he continued.

I nodded.

"Okay... but did I really have to come? I mean Lucien and Dante are already here yknow. I feel like I'll just be in the way."

"This was a request from the boss. We're showing you everything, so you can have a feel for everything. This is just the start. Yknow since you are part of the mafia now."

"Say it a little louder, I don't think Narnia heard you." Lucien replied from behind us.

"Oh shut up mr steals Christmas. There's nobody around here right now. Plus, I never specified what part of the mafia he was in now, did I?" Enzo laughed.

"Yeah yeah." Lucien brushed him off and Dante just laughed like Enzo in response.

"Yall always going back and forth" Dante commented.

"That's because Lucien has the personality of wet paper." Enzo gave a backwards glance towards Lucien.

"At least my voice isn't as loud as yours is." Lucien responded.

"È una brutta cosa?"
[Is that a bad thing?]

There was silence for a second.

"Thought so."

I cracked a grin as we started walking inside the warehouse.

There were black bags everywhere.

There were machines with glass bottles. I couldn't tell what the liquid inside was. Might be liquor.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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