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Maya's POV:

I'm watching the most beautiful scenery in the world. We all know this view; we used to draw it every time our teacher told us to. It's a beautiful beach at sunset. Truly stunning.

Oh, sorry, I didn't introduce myself. Hi, I'm Maya. Just like this scenery, I have the most beautiful dream: to watch the same scenery in different places. Ahhh... I mean traveling. I even have enough money to travel, but my dad, Bhanu Prath, wants me to inherit his business. I don't want to.

Don't look at me like that—I tried to talk to him, but he was too busy to make an appointment with his daughter. My mom died when I was 10 years old. Her name was Anusha. She was very loving and caring. Most importantly, she loved me a lot. After she passed away, everyone told my dad to marry another woman, but he said, "She may become my wife, but she will never be a mother to my child." He still misses my mom, but to cope, he overdoes his work. I love him a lot, and he loves me too, but our problem is we don't show it.

I grew up with the help of a nanny. Her name is Fatima, but I call her Nani. This is me.

Now, I'm in Vizag, Andhra Pradesh, at my mom's house. I came here to take a break because I miss my mom. Ahhh, I didn't tell you about one person. His name is Arya, my crush. He works at a resort near my house. He goes walking every morning to the park. I think I shouldn't say crush because we recently became friends, and my feelings for him have grown even more. The way he smiles, walks, his voice... awwww...

Oops, it's 6 PM. Nani will kill me. I have to leave. Okay, guys, we'll talk again soon. Bye bye bye!

POV ends.

As Maya walked towards the road, someone intentionally ran into her, causing her to collide with him. From the touch alone, Maya understood his intention.

"Can't you see? Idiot," she snapped, glaring at him.

"What? What did you say?" the man responded aggressively.

"I thought you were blind, but you're deaf too..." Maya retorted.

Suddenly, the man raised his hand to slap Maya, but before he could, another hand caught his wrist in mid-air. Another man, who appeared out of nowhere, intervened.

"Bro, how can you raise your hand on a girl?" the other man pleaded, his eyes wide with concern. "I request you, bro. I'll apologize on her behalf. Leave her, bro."

"Why should I listen to you?" the first man demanded.

The other man led the aggressor a few steps away, ensuring Maya couldn't hear their conversation. He whispered urgently, "Bro, she's mental... that's why she's acting like that."

"Really?" the man asked, somewhat taken aback.

"Can't you tell by her behavior?" the other man insisted.

The aggressor hesitated, then nodded. "Okay, I'll leave her."

With that, the man walked away, leaving Maya confused but unharmed.


Sure, here's the scene revised with "boy" replaced by "man":

As Maya continued walking towards the road, she heard someone behind her. "What's your problem? Can't you see how he looks? He looks like a mini bulldozer, mental," a man's voice rang out.

Maya whirled around. "Did you just call me mental? Do you know what? You're mental!"

"Okay, okay... I'm sorry," the man said, raising his hands in mock surrender. "This is Abhi, by the way."

Maya turned to walk away. "Get lost."

Abhi, undeterred, started walking beside her. "Nice name... maybe a different one," he teased.

Maya let out an exasperated sigh. "Seriously..."

"Just kidding, baba... okay, fine... what's your name?" Abhi asked, grinning.

"It's none of your business," Maya snapped.

"Wow, that's a really big name," Abhi quipped.

Maya stopped and almost shouted, "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?"

Abhi shrugged nonchalantly. "I thought you only had a mental problem, but it seems you have memory loss too."

"What?" Maya asked, genuinely puzzled.

"AREY... I saved you from that bulldozer. Instead of saying 'THANKS,' you're asking me, 'WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?' So, I thought you had memory loss," Abhi explained.

Maya's expression turned serious. "Did I ask you for your help?"

"No, you didn't," Abhi admitted, "but I have a habit of helping others."

"Well, I don't have any habit of accepting everyone's help," Maya retorted.

"It's okay... don't thank me. At least tell me your name," Abhi persisted.

Without replying, Maya got into her car and drove away, leaving Abhi standing there in shock. A hand tapped his shoulder.

Abhi turned around. "Hey Arya, WHAT'S UP?"

Arya glanced towards the car but didn't see Maya's face. "Who is she? Do you love her?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

Abhi shook his head vigorously. "Don't even imagine that... she looks cute, but she's a bit of a crackhead."

Abhi and Arya were childhood friends. Abhi had come to Vizag to meet Arya and spend some time with him.

Precap: Maya sees Arya and Abhi talking together in the park...

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