Chapter 3

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Harrie had to stop herself from waking up to make breakfast for her relatives, seeing as she didn't need to, Morgana had given Harrie the room that belonged to her younger brother Sirius, there wasn't much in the room, according to her, her brother was gone, so she put everything of his in storage for the time being.

Harrie got up and got dress and went down to the kitchen for breakfast, today was finally the day that she, Draconis, and Erebus would be starting at Hogwarts, Tonks would be in her last year.

Over the last month, Harrie had grown closer to the three cousins, especially Erebus.

Harrie took a seat next to Erebus and they all ate breakfast before loading into cars that Morgana owned, most wizards didn't own vehicles, Morgana did because she liked the looks of most vehicles, something she apparently picked up from Harries mother Lily.

As they arrived at the station Morgana and Narcissa helped the three younger magicals load up their carts, while Tonks loaded up her own.

"Morgana, Platform 9 3/4 that isn't a thing is it?" asked Harrie.

"There's no mistake on there Harrie, you'll see," said Morgana.

The Black family, and their guest went to a pillar, "Dora, if you will," said Morgana.

"You got it aunt Morgana," Tonks said as she ran to the pillar going through it.

Harries eyes went wide, "Draconis," said Narcissa and Draconis went next.

"Erebus," said Morgana.

"See you on the other side golden girl," Erebus said to Harrie with a smile as he ran into the pillar.

"Now Harrie, go right up to the wall, between platform nine and ten, if your nervous try giving a run," Morgana said smiling.

Harrie did so and ran through the pillar and onto Platform 9 3/4, "and that golden girl is how wizards and witches use a train station," Erebus said as they looked upon the Hogwarts Express.

The kids were loaded onto the train, Tonks left the three kids to go sit with her friends, Draconis had to keep up appearances so she dragged her feet to meet up with Crabbe and Goyle.

That left Erebus and Harrie alone together to find a seat, "So Erebus, does the heir of the most powerful family in Wizarding Britain have no friends?" asked Harrie.

"No, I do, it's just magical elite friendships are fickle at best, look at Draconis, with Crabbe and Goyle, the first chance she gets she's gonna drop the two gorillas," said Erebus. 

"Me and Draconis can best be described as being close to Daphne Greengrass heiress of the Greengrass family, her sister Astoria, Blaise Zabini heir of the Zabini family, Tracey Davis, she's not an heir she's a half-blood who's wizarding side of the family serve the Greengrass family, but she's still our friend, the seven of us have been friends since we were in wizarding primary," said Erebus.

"There's a wizarding primary?" asked Harrie.

"Yes, but it's mainly where we learn things like etiquette and culture, things that are technically important but also easy for Half-bloods and Muggle borns to pick up as they spend more time here in the wizarding world," said Erebus.

"Like me and Draconis, they're all likely serpents in the making," said Erebus.

There was a knock and a young red headed boy opened the door, "excuse me, do you guys mind, everywhere else is full," said the boy, Erebus figured him for a Weasley based on the red hair, and the clothes that looked old and worn.

"Not at all," said Harrie.

The boy sat down across from Harrie and Erebus, "I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley," said Ron.

Harrie Potter and the Black Heir: The Philosophers StoneWhere stories live. Discover now