I'm not Paget.

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Reader's PoV:

We stood there holding hands, with Eve looking everywhere except at me, what was I meant to think? Eve has literally just told me she has feelings towards me, and I couldn't help feeling that history was repeating itself.

"Eve, let's sit down, there is something I think you need to know," I tell her, walking us over toward the sofa hand in hand, we set down next to each other, Eve was still avoiding looking at me, god I really didn't want to hurt Eve as I have come to care a-lot about her over these last few months, and I didn't want to risk losing her friendship, a friendship we have both worked so hard on.

I noted the Criminal Minds boxset on the floor by the TV, I smile at them before looking at Eve who was still avoiding eye contact, wanting Eve to look at me when I try to explain why the two of us couldn't possibly be together, I reach out with my free hand, placing it underneath her chin, gently lifting and turning her face up towards me, hoping that she would look at me, however Eve kept her eyes low.

"Eve, will you please look at me?" I ask after letting out a sigh, finally Eve raised her eyes looking at me, I smile softly at her, letting her know it's alright, "Eve what you need to understand is that I made a promise to myself a long time ago, that I would never date another co-star after what Paget and I when through," I tell Eve as I lower my hand away from her face, after smoothing out some of her hair.

"I don't understand, because you and Paget are forever talking and messaging on the phone, that I did think the two of you were back together just hiding your relationship this time around? if you two are not dating and had stayed friends all these years, why would you make a promise like that?" Eve asks me, that was a fair enough question.

"Eve what you must realise, when Paget and I first started dating, season 2 was halfway through airing on CBS, our fan base was growing by the day, that first year of dating everything was wonderful, when we would go out for dinner or drinks and if we were seen out together everyone just assumed we were just co-star, friends out together, plus I had gained more fans after season 1, by the time season 2 had come to an end, the fans were loving Paget as Emily, she become a fan favourite, before we were due to start shooting season 3, the studio heads wanted a meeting with us, turned out that the fans loved the chemistry between us and wanted to know how we felt about having our two characters in a romantic relationship, at this point we hadn't really told anyone we were dating in real life, after Paget and I talked about it we decided that we liked the idea of our characters being together, however first we thought it best that we come clean about our relationship," I stopped talking for a moment needing a drink of water, seeing a half bottle of water sitting on the coffee table I picked it up.

"May I?" I asked Eve, holding the water bottle.

"Let me get you an unopened one," Eve says getting up from the sofa, making her way over to the mini fridge, "here," Eve says handing me the bottle, I couldn't help noticing how she watches me while I drink my water.

"Thanks, I needed that," I tell her offering her a smile.

"You're welcome," Eve says lifting her hand like she was going to touch my arm, then decided against it, lowing her hand back down.

"Anyway, where was I?" I asked more myself than Eve.

"You and Paget was going to come clean about your relationship," Eve reminded me.

"Aww yes, thanks, so after we agreed to inform the studio heads, we thought they might change their minds about allowing our two characters being together, their didn't, in fact their loved that we were together, because they thought if we had that much chemistry in season 2 without us being a couple, their couldn't imagine the kind of chemistry we would have in season 3, by the time our characters got together in season 3, the rumours had already started in the chat rooms, as there wasn't really much social media at the time apart from online chat rooms and Facebook," I explain to Eve fully aware that she wasn't exactly technology friendly or didn't know much about online platforms, it was one of the reasons that I really like Eve.

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