003. Can We Talk?

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Chapter Three.

Natalia woke up to an obnoxious alarm going off right in her ear

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Natalia woke up to an obnoxious alarm going off right in her ear. The brunette groaned and pressed snooze immediately. She hated mornings.

After Natalia and KK made dinner for the girls in their dorm, the new transfer went to her and Nika's shared room and passed out. The amount of sleep she had gotten that night was probably alarmingly high, but she didn't care. She needed the rest for her first meeting with Geno.

Geno had already emailed her to come in the day before practice officially started, wanting to talk over how he ran his team. Natalia understood and appreciated that, but why did he have to make her get up at 7AM? It's like he wants me to die.

"Natalia, if you don't shut that alarm off I'm going to stab you," Nika groaned from the other side of the room, pulling a pillow over her head to block out the noise.

"Sorry, Nika. I'm getting up," Natalia sighed and pulled the covers off herself begrudgingly, missing the warmth of her bed already.

Natalia's motions were robotic and memorized, too tired to function. The brunette put on her basketball shorts and a tank top, her bag already prepped from the night before. Natalia tied her hair in her usual top bun, not trying as hard as she would on game days to make it look presentable.

The girl headed out to the kitchen to fill up her water bottle and grabbed a granola bar, pulling the plastic wrapper off and shoving it in her mouth.

Suddenly, she heard a shuffling from the couch. Natalia looked over to see blonde hair peaking out from the other side, her eyes on her.

Natalia jumped at the intrusion, "Jesus Christ, Paige. Stop being creepy." The comment was meant to be lighthearted, but it came out more forced than she would have liked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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