Chapter 4 - Learning More About Kendra

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Chapter 4 – Learning More About Kendra

Monday, May 9, 2028
11:23 PM
Homeless Shelter, Pearland, TX USA

My route ended at a homeless shelter, in Pearland. This facility was built in 2026, following many jobs being automated, due to robots, artificial intelligence and other tools out there. Many people who were displaced at work chose to stay here, until they were back on their feet. I then pulled over and helped get her stuff out.

"Welp, here we are. I'm glad I got to meet you, Kendra!" I spoke to her. "I actually live nearby, in a small neighborhood just three miles off from here. I hope you'll be alright though!"

"I will!" said Kendra.

I then gave her a gentle hug. She hugged me back and wept in my embrace. I also shed a tear or so. Before clocking out for the night, I decided to give her company a few minutes.

"So, may I at least get to know you more?" I asked her.

"For starters, my name is Kendra Johnson. I'm only twenty years old, had a birthday a few weeks back." Kendra went on to explain. "I escaped my baby daddy, toxic ex, as he was abusive. I couldn't involve the authorities. He'd hurt me, and I think they're also on his payroll, could be wrong though."

"Funny, today is my birthday, but I act like it's a normal day." I said.

"Oh, happy birthday!" she said and gave another hug.

My heart softened.

"I can't stay around him, not anymore!" said Kendra. "Julia turns one soon, I can't have him harass us."

"I feel what you mean." I related to her. "How'd you even happen to meet him?"

"He was part of a gang; I had no idea." She said. "I didn't think he'd be what he was. I made some bad choices and ended with him."

"We are human after all. We make choices, good or bad." I told her. "That doesn't mean you must continue to suffer. I know where you are. I'll stop by sometime."

"Appreciate it!" said Kendra. "Goodnight!"

"Goodnight!" I replied.

I then got in my car and proceeded to go home. I activated autodrive and let my car drive me home, but not before stopping at a gas station first. On my ride home, I was confused.

"Strange!" I said to myself. "First time I came across a girl, on the run from her ex. Yet, I feel something for her."

"Infatuation happens!" said L.I.N.A. "Give it some time, she may come around again."

"Thanks, Lina!" I said in gratitude.

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