Chapter 6

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Warning⚠️: Lots of fluffs

☀️ next morning ☀️

Scott slowly began to open his eyes as small beams of sunlight began to filter through the window.

"Mmmm... Morning..."

Mumbling in a tired voice, Scott snuggled up to Winter more and wrapped his arms around her, still feeling her body pressed against his.

I snuggled on his chest comfortably in sleep.

Scott snuggled closer to Winter as he felt her cuddled up on his chest. He let out a small sigh as he relished in the feeling of her body against his. He was so comfortable right now... He started to stroke her hair gently, his fingers running through her golden locks.

Scott looked at his alarm clock for time.

Scott glanced over at his alarm clock to check the time, rubbing his eyes as he squinted.

"Let's see... Eight. Wow... We slept in."

Scott realized today is Saturday means no school day.

Scott let out a small chuckle as he realized what the day was.

"Oh, that's right! It's Saturday. Guess we can sleep in for a little while longer then."

He gently cuddled Winter as he talked to her, his voice still quiet and tired. "How did you sleep, sweetheart...?"

I started to wake up from sleeping then I rubbed my emerald green eyes adorably at him. "Good morning, Scott. I had amazing sleep last night."

Scott felt his heart flutter as Winter rubbed her eyes and talked to him, her emerald green eyes gleaming in the sunlight.

"Good morning, beautiful. I'm glad you slept well. It felt good sleeping next to you..."

I nodded shyly at him then I give a soft kiss on his cheek.

Scott felt his cheeks warm up at Winter's gentle kiss on his cheek, a warm and fuzzy feeling blossoming through his stomach.

"O-Oh... Haha.. Thanks, sweetheart."

He chuckled nervously as he planted a soft kiss on her forehead, his heart fluttering in a giddy sort of way.

I give a soft kiss on his nose.

Scott felt his heart skip a beat as Winter planted a soft and gentle kiss on his nose. He let out a nervous chuckle as he felt his cheeks grow even hotter.

"Heh... Your kisses... They're sweet..."

"You are so extremely adorable when you blush, Scott." Winter smiled shyly at him.

Scott's cheeks burned even more red as he felt his heartbeat pick up. Winter's words were so sweet and genuine, and it made him feel a bit embarrassed. He let out a small chuckle, trying to compose himself.

"Heh... Thanks, sweetheart. I... I think I blush so easily around you because you make me feel really nervous... But in a good way."

I smiled sweetly at him.

Scott felt his heart flutter as he saw Winter smile at him. Her kind and gentle demeanor was so endearing and it made him admire her even more.

"A-Ah... Uh... You're so sweet, Winter. I... I really love that about you."

He stammered out shyly, his cheeks still flushed with a red hue.

"You are so handsome, kindhearted and sweetest boy I met. You have adorable smiles made my heart swoons." Winter smiled shyly at him.

Scott's heart leapt in his chest as he heard Winter's gentle praises. His eyes widened slightly as he listened to her, his cheeks flushing a deep shade of red.

"Whoa... W-Winter... You're making me feel dizzy with praise like that..."

He rubbed the back of his head nervously as he spoke, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.

I giggled shyly at his flustered face.

Scott couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as he heard Winter's shy giggles, her sweet and innocent demeanor making his heart flutter.

"Hehe... You... You're pretty adorable yourself, you know that? Your shy demeanor is so cute, it's... It's heart melting."

He flashed a bashful grin at her, his cheeks still warm.

My cheeks went redder shyly at his words then I hid my face on his chest shyly.

Scott felt his heart skip a beat as he saw Winter blush and hide her face on his chest, her shyness making him feel very flattered.

"Heh... See? That's what I mean by sweet and adorable. You're so shy... But it's so cute."

He gently caressed her silky blonde hair, his hand gently stroking through the strands.

He continued to stroke Winter's hair as his heart fluttered with affection.

"Don't be embarrassed, sweetheart. You're beautiful, and you shouldn't hide your face like that."

He whispered gently, his voice still quiet yet full of earnestness.

I looked up shyly at him.

Scott's heart jumped at the sight of Winter's shy glance, his stomach doing little flips.

"That's much better... Your beautiful eyes shouldn't be hidden, sweetheart. Besides, you don't have to be shy around me. I love every part of you."

I smiled shyly at his words.

Scott's heart thumped as he saw Winter's shy smile, causing him to smile back at her gently.

"There's that smile... You have the most beautiful smile I've ever seen."

He gently caressed her cheek, his thumb softly stroking her soft skin.

Scott gives a soft kiss on my forehead.

Scott felt his heart melt as he softly kissed Winter's forehead.

"You're so precious, Winter... So precious..."

He whispered with genuine affection, his eyes full of love.

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