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Chapter 2: Day 1...

Third person:
Kier woke up to see no one there. He walked to the kitchen and he saw Dev.
Dev saw that Kier had just woke up, and said; "Good morning sleepyhead~"
"Morning..." Kier answered.

After they finished eating breakfast, Dev was gonna control Kier }Kier has to do everything that Dev says. But Dev has already planned everything.
Dev has been trying to hide his feelings from Kier, because that could ruin their friendship. It was hard for Dev, but now when he can control Kier, it would be easier for him. He didn't want to make Kier uncomfortable on the first day of controlling him.

Kiers POV:
I walked to Devs room once again because he has called my name. Dev said that he had an idea, which I didn't really like. He said that we had to be fake boyfriends in front of our friends }Boosfer, Baablo, Bubbo and Andres. I tried to say no but he says that it's for the 'bet' I didn't like it, but I couldn't to anything... I'm just scared to be made fun out in front of my other friends.

Third person:
At 6:PM Kier and Devs friends came over. They greeted each other.
Dev whispered to Kier; "You need to act good." Kier looked at Dev and nodded his head. After they all ate dinner they wanted to watch a movie.
And Dev whispered to Kier; "Sit on my lap, so they believe that we're dating." Kier wanted to hit Dev but he listened to him. Kier sat on Devs lap, the others looked at them.
Bubbo gasped and asked them; "uhhh... are you guys dating..?"
Dev smiled and answered; "Oh, did we forget to tell you guys that we're dating?"
Baablo and Boosfer looked at each other, before Boosfer asked; "WHAT?! Since when?"
Dev smiled and said; "Oh, not to long ago... about 2 months ago!"
Baablo, Boosfer, Bubbo and Andres all gasped; "WHAT" Kier wanted to die of embarrassment, but Dev just winked at him.
Halfway in the movie Kier says; "Dev, I'm tired..."
Dev looks at Kier and says; "Alright" Dev Carried Kier, of course Kier was surprised. The others looked at them and they whispered to each other.

Dev dropped Kier on the bed once again. (Ouch?)
Dev came up to Kiers face; "Dude... back of!" Kier yelled.
Dev grinned at Kier and crawled towards him; "What about the bet, babe~"
Dev picked up Kier and put him on his lap; "Come on babe, it's not a big deal~"
Kier looked at Dev and then his lips. Kier came closer to his lips. Their lips touched, Dev put his hands on Kiers Torso, both had closed their eyes. They were kissing [with tounge] for a few seconds before Andres and Boosfer walked in they pulled away quickly and they looked at each other panting; "U-Uhh...w-we" Boosfer was stuttering shocked.
Andres said; "We thought that... you guys were just joking..?"
Dev looked at them and said; "get the fuck out of my room"

They continued to make out.
And later went to sleep.

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