His pov

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My father is forcing me to get into an arranged marriage. I don't know why, but I did it anyway .

Some rich guy, although not richer, then  I ,  wanted to sell his daughter off .

I took her and I needed her she was gorgeous form most girls I have fucked .

I'm now standing in there house it's basic and old i see my wife walk out not dressed up she seemed pissed off . I did not care though .

She is well figured and I like her .

I dont want to to speak I dont feel like it her dad was really pissing me the fuck off .

I sit down next to her my expression cold as always she seemed scared off me but that's what everyone thought of me . A scary fuck boy.

Suddenly, she spills wine all over my suit. i don't say anything but get up to go and clean up,  till i see that she's following me . What a weirdo . She helps me clean up till I say

"Are you trying to make me mad, Tesoro?" I ask

"No" she mumbles her voice is barley in a whisper I could barley hear her fucking voice .

" I don't want to marry you ." She says and it immediately makes me mad

" you don't have a say in this  capire ?"

I say annoyed she walks out leaving me no choice but to follow her . She sits back down and so do I. 

I put the engagement ring infront of her " for you Tesoro. "

" I don't want it . " she says angrily

But for some odd reasons he looks at her dad  before sliding the ring on her slim hands , does she even fucking eat ?

That night at home I tell my men to gather up all her information so I knew everything.  Once I knew that ,  can't hide shit from me.

My brother walks in as annoying as ever .

He started yapping, but I didn't pay attention. I was just looking at her files.

The next day, I'm waiting in the car for her . She's taking her sweet time. I see her through the window going up and down the stairs. Is she stupid or what? Finally, she sits down in the car, practically hugging the window I glare at her .

She sits normally in the seat after that

I look at her hands, wondering where her ring was .

"Where's you're ring Tesoro?" She stutters something, but I don't care .

" Put it on ." I say
Suddenly, she bends down to get the ring from her bag. I can't help but stare at her ass and curves .

She puts it on, and she sits back down.
The maids take her away from me when we get back to my house

I go to deal with someone who needed money. I knew I was just gonna kill him  after all  .

Hours after i finally go into my room, she's still sitting there .

" Do you have an attraction to this room, Tesoro?"

I ask

"No," she says.
"What does Tesoro mean ?" She asks her voice soft and cute

I try not to laugh as she looks at me with those big doe eyes. i don't know what she is doing to me.

I smirk, seeing the blush spread across her cheeks

" Go eat, Lily's made you food."

" I don't want to," she says

I don't say  anything I don't want to talk to her I just leave the room knowing she doesn't fucking eat for shit.

I sit in my office when one of my maids walks usually the one I fuck . I don't want to fuck her I'm engaged I'm not that much of a dick to be fucking other girls whilst engaged .

Her buttons are undone and her skirt is up showing her stupid ass her boobs sticking out .

"Fuck off ."

" don't you want to I mean we always do-"
She says her voice squeaky and annoying

"No get out and fix your fucking uniform don't show me your face again ."

I sigh of relief when she leaves what a horny bitch .

I didn't even want to sleep with my soon to be wife I could not be bothered .

That night I just killed someone who owed me 5000 not slot but I still wanted it. 

U go upstairs to my room she's sleeping peacefully she looks innocent either way.

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