✦❘༻The Shadow's Revelation༺❘✦

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As Aisha extended the cup of coffee to the receptionist with her customary cold demeanor, an inexplicable sense of being watched prickled at the edges of her consciousness. Suppressing the unease that threatened to surface, she maintained her composed facade, her gaze unwavering as the elderly woman accepted the beverage with a surprised expression.

As Aisha approached her locker, her movements were a study in precision and deliberation. The faint smudge of fingerprints on its surface caught her attention momentarily, but she dismissed it with a subtle shake of her head, her focus unwavering as she proceeded to unlock the locker.

With practiced efficiency, she retrieved her belongings and began arranging them inside. Yet, despite her meticulous attention to detail, a subtle sense of unease began to creep over her. Something felt off, out of place, though she couldn't quite pinpoint what it was.

Furrowing her brow in concentration, Aisha scanned the contents of her locker once more, her keen eyes searching for any signs of disturbance. And then, it dawned on her a missing item, conspicuous in its absence, casting a shadow of doubt over her otherwise orderly routine.

For a brief moment, confusion flickered across her expression, betraying a hint of vulnerability beneath her stoic facade. But just as quickly as it had surfaced, it was masked by a veil of indifference, her features settling into their usual calm composure.

Without a word, Aisha closed the locker door, leaving the fingerprints undisturbed, a silent testament to the intrusion upon her personal space. With each step she took away from the locker, her demeanor remained unchanged, her expression unreadable as she retreated into the corridors, leaving behind the mystery of the missing item and the unanswered questions that lingered in her wake.

As Aisha walked outside, she approached her bike only to see it lying on the ground, its chain unhinged and the rear wheel bent at an awkward angle. For a brief moment, her heart sank as she approached it, the damage clear evidence of deliberate sabotage. But just as quickly, she brushed the feeling aside. She knew exactly who was behind this, the same people who had intruded upon her locker. This wasn't just random vandalism; it was a calculated move, and she wouldn't let it get to her.

Kneeling beside her bike, Aisha's expression hardened. She pulled out her tools from her backpack, her movements precise and efficient. Years of dealing with minor breakdowns had made her proficient in repairs. She reattached the chain, realigned the wheel, and tightened the necessary bolts with a practiced hand.

As she almost finished fixing her bike, she paused and looked around, her eyes narrowing. In a cold, steady voice, she called out, "I know you guys are here. How about you come in front of me?"

Slowly, the elite kids emerged from behind the pillars, their smug expressions betraying a sense of superiority. These were the privileged few who believed they could do as they pleased without consequences. They sauntered forward, their postures relaxed, as if this were all a game to them.

"This is what you get for messing with us," Rudr sneered, his eyes glinting with malice.

Aisha's gaze was icy as she met his eyes. "Let's talk about it nicely," she replied, her voice devoid of emotion. "I've tolerated you all long enough. My patience is at its limit. So, what do you want from me?"

"We want you to leave the university," Ishani said, her tone dripping with disdain.

"You're low class. You don't belong here," Shivanya added with a condescending smile.

"It's much better if you leave on your own, or-" Abhiraj started, only to be cut off by Aisha.

"Or what?" she interrupted, her voice cold and sharp. "What are you going to do?"

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