2. read your mind

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Luke burst out of the cabin, his mind swirling with frustration and anger. He stormed through the camp, not paying any attention to the other campers who scattered as he passed. He clenched his fists, his jaw clenched tight.

He made his way to his own cabin, his footsteps heavy and purposeful. As he stormed inside, he slammed the door behind him with a loud bang, making the whole cabin shudder.

"Fuck," he muttered under his breath. "This is not how this is supposed to go."

Luke collapsed onto his bunk, running a hand through his hair in frustration. The image of your face, defiant and unimpressed, filled his mind.

"How can one person be so infuriating?" he muttered to himself. He clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. "She thinks she's better than me, doesn't she? Thinks she can just brush me off like I'm nobody..."

He sat up, his eyes narrowing as he thought of your words, your dismissive attitude, scared of me, my ass... she's not scared of anything, he thought.

He clenched his jaw, his mind replaying the confrontation over and over again. Luke sat there for a moment, staring up at the ceiling of his cabin, his thoughts still consumed by the confrontation.

He couldn't shake the feeling of anger that still simmered in his gut. It was an all-too-familiar sensation whenever he was tangled up with you. He took a deep breath, attempting to calm himself. "This is ridiculous," he muttered. "She's just one girl. One stubborn, infuriating girl. Why does she get under my skin like this?"

Luke rolled onto his side, flopping down onto his bed. He closed his eyes and took a deep, steadying breath. "I need to get my act together," he told himself. "I can't afford to let her get to me like this."

Yet, no matter how hard he tried, your face still appeared in his mind's eye. Your defiant expression, your stubborn attitude, the irritation he saw in your eyes. It was driving him insane.

Pushing himself off the bed, Luke made his way out of the cabin, the memory of your face still haunting him. As he walked, his thoughts churned, a storm raging within him.

Luke's muscles tensed as he entered the dimly lit showers, seeking solace in the rhythmic beat of cascading water. Droplets danced in the air, catching the soft glow of the overhead lights. The faint scent of soap lingered, mingling with the steam rising from the tiled floor.

With a sigh, he stepped into an unoccupied stall, the cool tiles sending a shiver down his spine as he shed his clothes. His movements were automatic, as if his body was on autopilot while his mind remained elsewhere.

The rush of water filled the stall as Luke adjusted the temperature, the soothing warmth enveloping him like a comforting embrace. He closed his eyes, letting his head fall back as the water cascaded over his skin, washing away the grime of the day.

Yet, amidst the serene solitude of the showers, an unseen presence lingered, concealed behind the thin veil of a nearby curtain. Luke remained oblivious, lost in his own thoughts, his mind a tempest of unresolved emotions.

As he stood beneath the steady stream, his thoughts drifted back to the confrontation that still echoed in his mind. The memory of your words, your defiance, gnawed at him, fueling the fire of his frustration.

Then, a subtle shift in the air caught his attention, the sound of moving water from the adjacent stall drawing his focus. His brow furrowed in confusion as realization dawned upon him – he was not alone.

Luke's eyes widened slightly, surprise briefly flitting across his features. His gaze darted towards the adjacent stall. He couldn't be certain, but he had an inkling of who was behind the curtain. That familiar scent, that annoyingly familiar aura... It had to be you.

Take Off All Your Cool - A Luke Castellan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now