» Klavier Gavin/Klarrix & Kristoph Gavin/Kryssis

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› Lore:

considered the "Gods" of the region after protecting it in the Archon War from the invasion, the dragon of Good (Klavier) and of Evil (Kristoph), they have one big temple for them in the center of the city, can take the form of a human despite their original form being a dragon
While Klavier is more instrigued and fashionated by the humans and often joins the humans in disguise, Kristoph is more reserved and tend to live in solitary, joins the humans in disguise only when they're active celebrating him as a their annual ritual (once a year, the region remember the time when the region finally got its peace, kind of like Latern ride, it lasts for a week)
They're brothers

› Playstyles:

Klavier - Electro vision
Kristoph - Anemo Vision

Both swords users

Role: main dps

One character combined

Can switch from Klavier to Kristoph, and viceversa, with charged attack

Skill (for both): a powerful attack of the corresponding element with the follow of 5 infused attacks (if you switch, and hit the enemy, it counts as one of the 5 hits)

Burst: they start attacking together, at the same time, hitting a total of 20 times (10 times Klavier, 10 times Kristoph), all of which are infused attacks

Main stats: Atk% ; Anemo/Electro dmg bonus ; Crit Rate/Dmg% (each character is build separately)

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