Part IX

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Amanda turned in her sleep, clearly lost in a world of dreams. Dreams that were mixed with memories that were colored in by ball gowns, suits, and midnight blue eyes with a warm glint in them.


She found herself in a familiar hallway, wearing a familiar gown, and walking next to an all so familiar well-suited girl.

Amanda found herself staring at the girl's side profile.

"Is there something on my face?" Miyako asked. She had her gaze still set at the hall before them.

Amanda's eyes went wide after realizing that she was caught. "Nothing," she replied, forcing herself to look at where they were going.

They stopped right in front of the ornately carved doors that lead to the ball room.

"I believe this is my stop," Miyako spoke, making Amanda turn to her.

"You're welcome to stay," the strawberry blonde-haired girl said, nodding her head towards the closed double doors of the room.

Miyako chuckled. "I don't want to overstay my welcome."

"Such a shame, I wanted to dance with you," Amanda said, a smirk forming on her lips.

"Maybe some other time."

Amanda laughed lightly at the response, before taking off the borrowed suit jacket. "Thank you for letting me borrow this."

Miyako took the jacket and put it on as a smile formed on her lips. "It's nothing, Lady Amanda," she said afterwards.

"Will I ever see you again?" Amanda's sudden question piqued Miyako's attention. "In some place where there is no occasion that requires an invite?"

Miyako chuckled at the suggestion. "Maybe. But why ask me, a stranger, of all people? Don't you have friends to have you company?"

Amanda playfully rolled her eyes at the response. "Can't a girl have more friends, Lady Miyako? Besides, I very much enjoyed your company."

"Well, I'm glad to meet your acquaintance," Miyako said, bowing mockingly. "And as for seeing each other again... Maybe someday soon?"

Amanda gave Miyako a smile. "Then it is set, then?"

Miyako nodded, meeting eyes with the girl once more.

"Well," she cleared her throat, "I must now take my leave."

As the other girl was about to reach for Amanda's hand, she reached for Amanda's chin instead. Amanda tilted her head up, leaning into the gesture.


She woke up with a jolt.

"What happened?" a concerned voice spoke from the other side of the room.

Amanda felt her face heat up when the question registered in her mind.

"Mands?" Constance, who had slept over in the room, asked again, making Amanda turn to face her.

Though it was still dark outside, the girl was already dressed in a loose white button up, a pair of black trousers, and a pair of brown boots. Her hair was also tied back in a low ponytail.

But whatever reason Constance has for the early morning get-up has to wait. Amanda is in need of air.

"I... I have to go," was the only thing Amanda said before standing up.

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