Girls night

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Back story : Travis and Taylor have a 2 month old called Lilly.

Today the chiefs were heading to an away game in Florida, Travis had to leave early this morning. So now it was just me and Lilly. She hadn't woken up yet so i took this as my opportunity to get ready for the day. I started by doing my hair and makeup and putting on some light jeans and a warm sweater. Kylie had invited me over for a girls evening because she didn't want me to be alone for the week and it was a good chance for the girls to play with Lilly.

I made myself some scrambled eggs and prepared Lilly's bottles and baby bag. I sat down to eat while i flicked through the stations until i found greys anatomy. I relaxed for a while until i heard Lilly starting to cry. I picked her up and got her ready to go. I notified security and they brought me over to Kylie and Jasons house. When we arrived i woke Lilly up and took her carrier out of the car along with her bits and pieces. Kylie welcomed me at the front door and took some of the bags out of my hands.

"Hey Taylor, come on in".
When i got to the door, the three girls all come running over to welcome us. They stared at Lilly like she was a new exhibition in a museum.
"Can we hold her auntie Tay",
"Of course you's can, let's go in to the couch though". I replied
The girls all took turns holding her and making her laugh.

Her little smile was adorable and I knew she would be great friends with the girls when she was older. I had to take her back when she got a bit grumpy and gave her a bottle. Wyatt took this time to tell me all about her new gymnastics class, and showed me her leotard.

While she spent some time tumbling on her mat, Lilly had fallen a sleep in my arms. The peace didn't last long however when she woke up when Bennie came in and hit Wyatt on the head with a doll.

The fun continued until they all sat down to watch a movie, one by one they all fell asleep. Kylie got up and lifted Wyatt into her arms.
"I'll just bring them up to bed, I'll be right back."
"Here I'll help', i said putting Lilly down in her pram and heading to pick Ellie up.

"No Taylor, stay with Lilly its fine"
I don't listen and follow her up the stairs with Ellie. She comes back and gets Bennie and before long the living room is soo quiet you could her a moire squeak.

"So hows, things going with Travis".
"Good, it been busy for the past while, but now he will be off when I finish the tour,"
"Agh yess, so tell me when can i come." Kylie pleaded.
"Why don't you come to London,"
"Omg really, The girls are always asking when they can go and see you."

"Well then it's settled, come to London and we can have a nice girls night out, oh i know so many places we should go."
"Can I top up your wine", Kylie said holding about twenty things in her hand.
"Yes please"

She dropped a ton of crisps and bars of chocolate on to the table and topped up my wine. I held Lilly on my chest as she started to rest her eyes. Kylie and i were deep. In conversation when we heard the door open. Jason pecked his head through the door to see Kylie and i spread out across the couch's drinking wine.

"Ohh girls evening can i join",
"Why don't you head on up to bed and I'll be up later babe."
"Uh ok, it's sad not to be wanted," Jason said pouting his lips and sadly walking out of the room.
"You could win an Oscar for that drama", i laughed.

We spent the next two hours talking about all sorts, laughing like sisters. I looked at my phone to see about 5 missed calls from Travis, so I decided to call him back in case he was worried.

TK "Hi babe are you ok."
TS "Of course, im ok, im with Kylie, we aare having the bessst time aren't we Kylie.
She shouted in the background.
TK "Have yous been drinking sweetie, you seem a bit tipsy"
TS " no we haven't" i said innocently looking over at the four empty bottles of wine.
TK "ok babe, but maybe you should stay over there tonight and definitely don't text tree."
TS "I know we are having a slumber party.
TK "ok well I'll talk to you tomorrow, kiss Lilly goodnight from me."
TS "I will ok bye" and i hung up.

Kylie took lily and brought her up to bennies room where she had her old cot. We continued our conversations way into the night, laughing and joking about god knows what.

My eyes fluttered as the sun rays beamed in on top of me. I had no clue where i was. I got out of bed slowly when the banging in my head it me like a ton of bricks. I went over to the wardrobe and put on a robe that Kylie had in there.

When i made my way to the kitchen, I could hear the sounds of children laughing and playing. Jason was standing behind the island cooking breakfast for all the kids.

"Morning auntie Tay" They all shouted when they turned around.
I noticed Lilly sitting up in one of the girls old high chairs.
"Thanks for watching her Jason, sorry for leaving you with her'.
"No she's fine, she's spending some time with her uncle, while her mommy goes up to auntie Kylie with some coffee, and here are some painkillers yous might need them."

He said sending me on my way with a cup of coffee. Kylie and I spent half the day watching tv and chilling while Jason watched the kids.
"You've got a good man Kylie",
"You didn't do so bad yourself"

Hi guys, thanks so much for reading,
This was a request from 87thebolter
i hope you enjoyed.
As always if you have any requests leave them here ——>

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