The Calm

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He opened his eyes as he heard the door open again. It took all his remaining energy just to flip onto his side. He didn't have his glasses, but through the blur, he could make out the silhouette of his mother, and to his dismay, heard the voice of his brother, Adrenaline.

Schön closed his eyes, gaining a small headache after trying to see again. His family was asking too many questions. He just wanted to sleep... Sleep? How long did he sleep?  And what happened when he was asleep? The doctor said something about surgery. How did the surgery go? Was his heart beating during the surgery? If not, how did they keep him alive? Was he even alive?

"Schön! Can you hear us?!?" Schön snapped out of it. "Wha?- Mom? What is it?" He watched his mom's blurry figure do a motion, similar to a facepalm. His brother's figure shrank a little, and produced a sigh. "Yeah, sorry, I was thinking. I'm not feeling too energetic right now."

"I understand honey, but we were worried, Schön!" "Hm. Okay." Schön dismissed them. He didn't really care that they worried for his health, he needed sleep. "Schön, are you-" Some new energy boiled up in him suddenly, an untapped source of energy suddenly escaping it's capture.


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