the proposal kind of

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Izzy decided it was time for one of them to propose. So on her way back home she stopped at a jewelry store and went around looking at some rings. She finally found some and with the money that she stole she bought them. Izzy then happily skipped back home. When she got home she heard her mothers voice "hello child welcome home there's food on the table" Izzy took off her shoes and went to go eat. Once she was done she took her moms phone and went to her room. She texted Bob
"Hey Bob I have to ask you like a really important question"  she texted him
"Quebler" he replied 'translation is what'
"Bob will you marry me" she replied while also sending a pic of the rings
" siestea!" Replied Bob Izzy jumped up with excitement and ran to tell her mom what just happened.
"MOM MOM MOM GUESS WHAT" Izzy yelled with excitement
"What child"
"I proposed to Bob for you soooo he your fiance now hehehe" she goes running back into her room
"*sighs* what am I going to do with this child"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2024 ⏰

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