the beginning

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It was a normal after school day for Izzy and she was just sitting on her bed thinking about life. Randomly she  started thinking about what it would be like to have a dad so she got up and left her room to go find Betty. She looked around the house and couldn't find her "mom" she called but no answer. She went to Betty's room and found out that she was sleeping. She saw her phone and took it. After that she left the room. "Okay now let's see what is can do on here" she started looking on the phone and downloaded tinder. She set up an account for Betty and got her a date. Once she did that she put the phone back and waited for her mom to wake up.

30 minutes later
Betty walks out her room and sees Izzy in the living room sacrificing one of her stuff animals.
"Child what are you doing? " asked Betty
"Oh uhh... Don't worry about it" said Izzy "but I set up a date for you and this boy named Bob"
"WHAT WHY" screamed Betty she was very confused as to why she did this
" well I wanted a father figure but anyways it's on Thursday at six pm so be ready " said Izzy with a smile on her face. After that she continued the sacrifice
"oh dear Lord child what am I going to do with you" said Betty then she went to the kitchen to make some dinner. Once she was done they both ate and Izzy went to bed.

Just to let y'all know most of these are most likely going to be short cuz I can't think of ideas that wells so yeah

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