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In room taehyung stood and wear his coat and jimin was sleeping taehyung a and he came near him and he stared at his lips and smirked

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In room taehyung stood and wear his coat and jimin was sleeping taehyung a and he came near him and he stared at his lips and smirked

Then h e went downstairs

Maid:Sir do you need something?

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Maid:Sir do you need something?

T: listen give him food and if he cry for his mom and dad then call me
Maid:oh ok sir

Then taehyung left from there to his mission

Here jimin

Jimin opened his eyes and he saw dark room

He get scared and he screamed and maid came there

Maid : sir what happened why are you screaming so much
J: take me away from this room I am really afraid of dark very much
Maid: oh okay sir As your order

After that she take him away from that room

She take him to downstairs

She made him set on the couchs and she bring water for him as he was very nervous and afraid

Jimin:appa eomma app eomma

Maid:he is taking his parents name!( to  another maid )

He was not stopping by taking his parents name so she called taehyung

On call

Taehyung: yah what happened now why did you call me?
Maid: sorry is taking his parents name again and again and he is crying very much
T: okay I will come in 10 minutes take care of him

And he left from his Mafia office to his house

After reaching the home

Taehyung sat on his knees and hold jimin's hands

Taehyung:what happened

Jimin: take me to my Appa

Taehyung: okay let's go

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