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At hospital

Jimin:Appa appa open your eyes

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Jimin:Appa appa open your eyes

Then his mother came near to V

J/M: why do you take him here I don't want to see his face take him away from my eyes

Taehyung: shut your mouth he was crying from when he go to our Mansion

J/M: I don't care take him away from my eyes

Then he is father started opening his eyes

J/D: he was taking the name of Jimin continuously

Jimin: then jimin goes near to his father and hug him
Jimin:Appa are you okay how are you feeling now
J/D: I am okay how are you I know you are struggling very much

Then his father trying to sit but he failed

Jimin: don't don't push your body Appa I will call the nurse

Then he call the nurse

Afternoon checked his father and she say: your father is out of danger now you can take him home after 2 days we will discharge him

Jimin: okay thank you so much nurse

Then v came near Jimin

T: hey you now let's go home it's getting late I am annoyed by seeing your this emotional drama

Jimin: no I don't want to go to your villa

Taehyung was going to push him then his mother came
J/M: hey you unlucky child of your father go with him
Jimin: what are you saying mom?
Taehyung: now you dumbo understand go with me otherwise I will kill your father at the spot

Jimin: no no I will go with you don't kill him

He goes with v while sobbing

Stay tunedd loviessss 🎀

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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