Chapter 3: The Time Traveler Rider Arrives

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(Meanwhile in a nearby forest, a swirling vortex of azure energy materialized in the sky, crackling with electric power. Out of it tumbled Shio Tokiwa. He landed with a thud on a dirt path, surrounded by towering trees that whispered secrets to the wind. Shio rose, brushing off the dust from his sleek, armored suit, golden accents glinting in the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy.)

Shio: Damn, looks like I screwed up again

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Shio: Damn, looks like I screwed up again... (looks around) What is this place?

(The air felt different here, charged with an undercurrent of raw, unbridled energy. Shio activated his time-traveling abilities, allowing the swirling symbols in his eyes to search for the history embedded in this land. Images and sensations flooded his mind: powerful women wielding abilities that shaped and defended the earth, a society structured around their powers. This was a world where women held the strength, a fascinating divergence from his own reality.)

Shio: So only women have powers in this world, eh?

(Intrigued, Shio ventured deeper into the forest, drawn by an unknown force. The ground beneath his feet seemed to pulse with life, each step resonating with the power lying dormant beneath the surface. Birds sang a chorus above him, their melodies merging with the rustling leaves to create a symphony of nature's wonders. Shio's senses sharpened; he could almost taste the vibrant life surrounding him.)

Shio: The symphony of nature... such perfection...

(Suddenly, a thunderous roar split the air, shaking the ground beneath him. Shio's head snapped up, eyes narrowing as he scanned the horizon. A plume of smoke rose in the distance, its dark tendrils twisting into the sky. His instincts kicked in, urging him toward the source of the disturbance.)

Shio: Troubles...

(Emerging from the forest, Shio found himself on the edge of a vast lake. The water churned violently, waves crashing against the shore with a ferocity that mirrored the conflict at its center. There, battling a massive Kraken, was Ren Tennyson in his Water Hazard form. Ren shoots Water Blasts at the Krakken, which roared in pain.)

(He then latches his claws onto the Kraken, who roars in pain again and shakes its head violently, throwing Ren down as Shio decides to join in as he prepares to transform

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(He then latches his claws onto the Kraken, who roars in pain again and shakes its head violently, throwing Ren down as Shio decides to join in as he prepares to transform.)

Shio: Henshin!


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(As he transforms into Kamen Rider Ohma Zi-O, he approaches Ren.)

Ohma Zi-O: Need a hand?

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Ohma Zi-O: Need a hand?

(Ren glanced at Shio with a mixture of surprise and relief.)

Water Hazard: Sure could use one!

(Together, they engaged the Kraken, their attacks synchronized with an almost instinctual precision. Shio summoned his Zikan Girade, the weapon materializing in his grip with a burst of light. He swung it with deadly accuracy, severing one of the Kraken's thrashing tentacles. Ren then changes from Water Hazard to Big Chill.)

Big Chill: Big Chill.

(Big Chill freezes some of the Kraken's tentacles, giving Ohma Zi-O an opportunity to perform his finisher.)


(Ohma Zi-O channels energy into his entire body before rising into the air as a series of gold "Kick" characters appear and circle the Kraken. He then performs a powerful Rider Kick with the Apocalypse of Kingdom acting as wings. Upon striking the Kraken, the characters combine with Ohma Zi-O's foot and strengthen the attack to the point where he destroys the Kraken.)

Ohma Zi-O: That was impressive.

Big Chill: Right back at you. I've never seen anything like that transformation of yours. Who are you?

Ohma Zi-O: Shio Tokiwa, also known as Kamen Rider Ohma Zi-O. I came here through a portal, ended up in this world by accident.

Big Chill: Ren Tennyson. Welcome to Earth, or at least this version of it.

(They shake their hands as the screen fades out.)

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