Chapter 5: Prelude to Chaos/Another Omnitrix Wielder?

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(As Kamen Rider Joker joins the battle, the members of NEVER start attacking Stormfront, Motoyasu, and Itsuki in their Dopant forms. Itsuki then shoots one of her arrows, and it pierces through Joker Dopant's heart, killing her. The people start panicking while Motoyasu's group rejoices.)

Itsuki: Ha! Good riddance, traitor. (sees Sakura getting up) What?

(Sakura gets up, and prepares to transform again.)


Motoyasu: I'll stop her!

(Motoyasu tries to stop Sakura from transforming into Joker Dopant again, but it's too late as she transforms before grabbing and breaking her spear.)

Motoyasu: (eyes widen) How?

(Katsuki then reverts back to his human form, and pulls out his Lostdriver while chuckling.)

Katsuki: Have you heard about the hydra?

(Everyone gets confused as Kamen Rider Joker remembers the creature.)

Joker: Well, if someone cuts off one of its heads, two replace said head. But what does-

(Everyone then realizes what Katsuki meant.)

Katsuki: That's right. Once we, the undeads from NEVER get "killed", we return with our strengths doubled. (pulls out his Gaia Memory) You can either help us, or stay out of this. It's your choice.


Katsuki: Henshin!

(He places the Gaia Memory on his driver and prepares to transform.)


(Katsuki transforms into Kamen Rider Eternal.)

Joker: I knew it... you're-

Eternal: Kamen Rider

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Eternal: Kamen Rider... Eternal!

(As the NEVER group resumes their fight, Ren transforms into Big Chill, and along with Kamen Rider Joker, proceeds to help them, even thought none of them understood anything. Ren (Big Chill) freezes Blade in place.)

Ren (Big Chill): (to Joker) Whoever you are, it's your-

Eternal: Actually, I'll do it.

(Eternal then pulls out a Gaia Memory.)


(He places it on his Maximum Slot.)


(Eternal punches Blade, sending her to crash into the wall. Knowing that they are in disadvantage. The Government "Heroes" decide to retreat.)

Stormfront: This isn't over.

(As they retreat, the NEVER members revert back to humans.)

Katsuki: We're done here. We better return to the base. (prepares to jump) We'll meet again, true heroes.

(As they jump inside the helicopter, Ruan Mei throws Sakura a tube of Necro-Over serum,)

Sakura: Thanks.

Ruan Mei: You're welcome.

(Sakura injects the Necro-Over serum into herself as the helicopter flies away. Kamen Rider Joker, and Ren revert their transformation.)

Ren: Who are those... NEVER?

(Shio then finally speaks up.)

Shio: The Special Mercenary Force "NEVER" were composed of humans who have been revived from death and turned into super soldiers called Necro-Overs, the product of research, which was initially a project initiated by Maria Daido attempting to resurrect her son who died from a traffic accident, by Foundation X to duplicate the conditions that revived Raito Sonozaki after his demise in the source of the true Gaia Memory. However, they are required to regular injections of a bio-stabilizer to keep their bodies intact. Leaving Foundation X after being rejected in favor of Gaia Memory research for the latter far greater diversity in abilities, NEVER became mercenaries, leaving a path of destruction in their wake to convince the Foundation that they are better than the Museum's "toys". I believe that... Katsuki Daido is either this world's Katsumi Daido, or the reincarnation of the original one.

Seel: Okay, but... (angry) why the NEVER group also has Joker Memory and Lost Driver? I thought I was the only one.

Shio: (monotone) The one you're using is merely a refined T1 Gaia Memory while the NEVER group's is Memory T2 as the T2 line is stronger than the T1 line in every aspect.

Ren: I see... I'm glad the NEVER chose not to oppose us.

Seel: Me too...

Ren: But what about the incident on the news? Did that really happen?

Seel: This is true.

(Seel then shows some evidence of male members being eliminated in many military organizations to Ren and Shio.)

Seel: These are all of the male members who got eliminated in many military organizations.

Ren: So the NEVER is planning to change the current society... in their ways.

Seel: Exactly...

(They then go to Veyomi's house.)


(At night, while a group of petty thieves are robbing, they also intend to rape some young girls.)

Thief 1: Hehehe! With these, we can finally get some freedom from this oppressive feminist system.

Thief 2: And we can finally have our payback at some of these bitches whose mothers made us suffer for too long!

(The girls are about to call for help when suddenly a crimson light flies across the group of petty thieves.)

Thief 1: (stern) It's that Alien Hero Boy!

Thief 3: Uh... boss... I don't think it's him.

(Then a crimson Heatblast appears and without any warning, he burns the petty thieves alive as they scream in pain. After he's done, he turns to the girls.)

Heatblast?: (low and cold tone) Go home!

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Heatblast?: (low and cold tone) Go home!

Girl 1: Wait a minute... who are you?

Heatblast?: Crimson Flare.

(Crimson Flare then walks away as the screen fades out.)

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