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Bouncepaw, just like the rest of her Clan, had been sleeping when the tide came in. The stars were presumably shining above, yet hidden by the cave ceiling. Bouncepaw was snoring in the apprentices' cave, curled against her sister, Saltpaw. Suddenly, she woke with a start. Something was happening. Her eyes narrowed into the darkness, but nothing was amiss. She wondered why she had woken up.

Just as she was about to settle down, she heard a loud roaring noise, as though the waves were tearing at something. Her eyes widened, and her voice raised to a yell. "The tide's coming in!" She screamed with alarm at the top of her lungs.

Instantly, the other apprentices were on their paws. The water was approaching the central cave fast. Soon enough, the sea would flood their whole camp! Bouncepaw turned to her sister, making sure the molly was okay, before she was off, running through the camp. "Everyone get up! The tide is coming in! We have to evacuate!"

Spottedstar shot out of her den and passed Bouncepaw, running to the nursery. Of course, the kits! Bouncepaw stuck her head in to see Smokepelt's eyes widen. "Smokepelt, we have to go!" Spottedstar hissed, grabbing the scruff of one of the kits.

Cats began to flood out of the cave. It was set slightly into the sand, meaning that the water would completely drown them. There was another roar as the tide came rushing into the cave. In just a moment, it threatened to swipe Bouncepaw off of her paws. 

A few cats were taken off their paws. With horror, she recognized two of the younger warriors, Lightmask and Sandtail, being slowly sucked in. Lightmask gripped onto the cave wall with all of his strength, but Sandtail was pulled in and swept away.

The cave continued to fill with water. Bouncepaw almost made a move to grab one of the other kits, but the water was pooling around her legs. Instead, she helped Smokepelt as the molly limped out of her den. She had been attacked by a hawk a few moons ago, meaning she couldn't move as fast anymore.

Bouncepaw tried to ignore the cats floating in the water, their eyes blank, as she pressed on. The two mollies were almost to the lip of the cave, but that's when the tide began to suck back in.

Smokepelt was completely swept off her paws, and Bouncepaw was as well. Her mouth, nose, and eyes filled with salt water as she tumbled in circles, being pulled in. She fought to keep her head above the surface. Just near her, she could see Smokepelt and one of her kits, both cats eerily still.

"Help!" She shouted at the sky, knowing that she was getting too close to the sea. 

"I've got you!"  It was her mentor, Lightmask! The tom wrenched her out of the water by the scruff, dripping wet. They were standing on dry land just outside of the flow. Immediately, the tom began to lick her fur backwards.

Bouncepaw shivered. "Th-thank you," she meowed. "Have you seen Saltpaw?"

Lightmask's eyes saddened, and he shook his head. Bouncepaw's heart dropped. She couldn't imagine living in a world without her loyal and hilarious sister.

Spottedstar stood, walking among the surviving cats. Bouncepaw counted. There were ten. Ten survivors. Ten cats who hadn't been swept out to sea.

"We've experienced a major tragedy. Almost two-thirds of DuneClan, gone. We will have to start anew." The molly gestured towards the horizon. "We must find a new camp."

Uneasily, the survivors got to their paws. Every step was one of major effort for Bouncepaw. She could only think of Saltpaw. The full moon hung in the sky. Earlier, Bouncepaw had been to her first Gathering. 

They crossed the dunes, until Spottedstar pointed out a rocky outcropping near the Pools. As they walked to the outcropping, there was plenty of shelter. Spottedstar suggested where the new dens could be built. She leaped atop the Fallen Tree, looking out among her Clan. 

"Tonight, we sleep together, under the stars. But rest assured; we will survive. We will survive because we must. DuneClan shall live on!"

The sentiment, with a shocking strength, was echoed by the cats in Clan, as everyone settled down to sleep, far away from the high tide and the dead bodies in the water.

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