Chapter Seventeen

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"Miranda! Miranda! Miranda! "A young y/n yells running towards Miranda before jumping in her arms and wrapping my legs around her waist

"You're going to make this a habit aren't you?" a slightly older Miranda says holding her favorite person

"Is there something you need? Or did you just want to jump in my arms? " the older girl says chuckling softly

"Well you know how it's my birthday in 5 days and I'm turning 16? " y/n asked letting go of the blonde

"Yes how could I forget what kind of older sister would I be if I didn't?" Miranda says smiling down at the girl

"A bad one" the shifter says crossing her arms over her chest "anyway so when I turn 16 I get a mate" the h/c haired girl says with a cheeky grin

"A what now?" Miranda says a bit familiar with the term " a mate is another word for soulmate" Y/n says looking at the older girl like she just asked a stupid question "I read it in some books you have" Y/n lean against the wall

"Ok? Uh well how do you know they are your 'mate'?" Miranda asked "well it's different for everyone some have matching marks or tattoos or maybe they dream about then for me it's seeing her in my dreams" the younger girl stated smiling

"Then what does she look like? Miranda asked crossing her arms

"well she had pale skin, longish brown hair, green eyes also had the cutest freckles scatter over her cheeks and nose" the girl says smiling just thinking about her love

"you sound head over heels in love with this girl what's her name?" Miranda asked

"I'm not sure but I do know that it starts with a 'L' " y/n says with a side smile

"well I'm happy your happy little one" Miranda says patting her younger sisters head happy to see her happy at ones

If there was something she didn't tell Miranda is that she didn't just see one but two letters but was other seemed less human

The women having white as snow skin black hair a big sun have off white dress golden eyes and unhumanliy tall there where no words that describe her beauty to the fullest

But Miranda didn't need to know

Not yet at least


I wake up with a jolt looking around the dark room

It's been a couple weeks fast ones way too fast for my liking i've been dreading today for weeks

For the past week I have been avoiding Alcina even though I said to myself I would never leave her again

But I can't be around her without tearing up

Today is the anniversary of Her death

I've still not told any of the family Dimitrescu not yet I can't

It's around 6 am and I just got out the shower my eyes taking over my naked body eyeing each scar that lives on my body

Big or small they all have a story of their own some I have no clue where I got them

My body turns to look at the large scar on the back of my neck

The cadou lays there wrapping around my nerves and spine

If you asked me how it worked I couldn't tell you I was never the academic one

I always lived in the moment not really bothered my father said if we ever touched a book to do anything other than clean it we would get beat

Mira of course had to be stubborn

When father found out let's say he didn't take too kindly to see his eldest daughter with a book in her hand

He believed she was Satan spawn and tried to kill her, And well one person died that night and it wasn't mira

I am kinda glad mira killed him he was the kind of man to get nasty when things don't go his way we tried killing me many times failing every time but I could tell it was getting to him-

Enough about that...

I'm in my room fixing my tie making sure I look nice, I grab the flowers from my bed and make it down stairs

When I'm greeted my the last person I wanted to see me like this

"why are you all dressed up? " Alcina says has a sly grin looking me up and down

"I'm going somewhere" I mutter hoping she leaves it but just as I knew she would she is as stubborn always

"where? " she says following me to the door her heel echoing against tall ceiling

"I'll tell you when I get back ok?"  I say looking up at her and her giving me a concerned look seeing my red and puffy eyes from the crying

"Are you all right my-" she was cut off by a loud knock at the door sending a chill down her spine

I knew who it was so I opened it Miranda stepping in wearing the same outfit she has worn for the past 100 years the same one she wore for the funeral

"Come we don't want to be late" Miranda says taking my hand and walking me to the door

"wait where are you going " Alcina now worried walking along side us making me turn my head away

"it's non of your concern for now y/n will tell you when she is ready" Miranda says getting a bit moody

"I'm sorry Alcina" I frown "let's just go" I mutter to Miranda opening the door and walking out soon followed by Miranda leaving a confused and upset Alcina

Alcina pov

Did I do something wrong? Why was she wearing all black? Why did she have flowers? Why were her eyes all red and puffy? Why is Miranda here?

"Oh y/n my love I want to help you but I don't know how" I frown stepping away from the door

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