1. The holidays.

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-considering her father was now retired. Plus he was also off the road for good nowadays. She got to relax and sleep in a lot more than she ever could, all though she clearly missed the road and seeing cool venues. David remembered the way her eyes would light up, especially whenever she saw the large group of fans covering the majority of the venue. A part of David felt wrong, feeling sorry for her with how much she loved it and how excited she would get - though sadly she didn't get to come along during school days.
School days were off limits. He may of been a rock star but he was a good dad, not letting his girl miss any school.

She was so tired the times she got off road that she looked more exhausted then the band half the time. I mean, with the sunken eyes and the way her cheeks were sucked in, she looked a mess.
Laundry day came for the week and she just about filled it - her father looked at her as she put it in, holding the washer door open, his jaw dropped to the floor in shock. "Roxanne!" He gasped, she looked up at him - this was the first time up close he had seen the severity of her eye bags. "Oh - oh baby," he cooed, gently grabbing her cheeks and rubbing his thumbs along the puffy bags under her eyes. She hummed tiredly, blinking slowly, he brought her in for a forehead kiss and sighed.
"You didn't sleep at all since I've retired, have you?" He hummed, "A little bit," she mumbled, "Little bit isn't good enough, come on you, off to bed," he said, "It's too bright..." She mumbled - she was right, it was passed sunrise and luckily for her the sun was twinkling down into her curtains, more like unlucky.

Her father sighed, unsure of what he could do to make it all better and to help those eye bags disappear. She was year 11 this year which also brought stress reasons into why she might have eye-bags. Her beautiful green eyes looked dull in compensation to lack of sleep and her lips looked cracked to buggery.
He led her to the study room, which was the darkest room in the house considering the lack of sun this area got. Her lips were parted, her eyes were shut, her head was rested into a pillow and she felt like falling asleep - he sat by her side as she slept - Cindy would bring various things in, like tea or whiskey or scotch. She was exhausted and it showed. David felt terrible, I mean - how could he not? He risked his daughters health, but she really did want to go - and it was obvious, the excessive packing, the excited running around halls. But David had retired at least three years ago, which would give his daughter time to relax and sleep, apparently not.

This must of been a deeper issue, she should've been able to get into a worthy sleep habit now considering she's not on the road anymore, David placed his hand on her cheek and felt how sunken in and warm it was, he sighed in worry. Maybe it wasn't the roads fault, maybe it was insomnia, or some other deeper sleep issue.
Those pretty green eyes opened after just over two hours, she saw her father sipping on tea and reading from a large hardcover book. She took in a deep breath and went to sit up, "I've made an appointment, those sunken down features of yours aren't healthy," David said, clamming his warm hand around her freezing cold one, she hummed tiredly, moving so she was facing his side and she placed her forehead on his shoulder, closing her eyes and sitting there, relaxing as he played with her soft mess of blonde hair - which was slowly turning to a darker shade.

"I love you darling," David sighed softly - making it obvious in the way he traced soft circles into her hands, she hummed tiredly and mumbled it back, "I love you dad," before falling asleep once again.

A doctor was indeed where they went the following day, she was a mess in the office, the doctor inspected her hygiene, such as her teeth, tongue (brushed or not), hair and overall questions such as how much she showers. By the end of it the doctor clicked his pen and scribbler notes and hummed curiously.
"Do you two tell her when to shower or does she just get up and go?" The doctor asked, "Usually she gets up, but when we're about to go to bed we like to give her a warning," David explained, "So she always showers?" The doctor asked, "Yep, we make sure we hear the shower turn on," David nodded.

"When you have to shower, how do you feel? Do you feel exhausted making your way to the bathroom?" The doctor asked, "Mhm... I don't know why, I lost weight," she mumbled - her parents nodded at the fact, she indeed lost weight for her own health, taking it into her hands to become a healthy weight.
"Okay, so when you have to get there, what are your main thoughts?" The doctor asked, "I don't know... I told my friends and they said 'it's just a shower' but it's more than that, I feel kind of exhausted and drained before I even get there, and then I feel too tired to wash myself," she mumbled, "I see, do you think it's because of the lack of sleep?" The doctor asked, she sighed a little, "Probably, I mean, I haven't slept properly in three years," she mumbled.

"I used to travel due to my job, she'd tag along during holidays and I'd let her come to all the venues," David explained, the doctor nodded and hummed in thought, "Interesting," he had a conclusion but he didn't want to be too rash... It could be...

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